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Time for another Metabombed article, because 2K Games is rubbish and deserves it! 


Metabombed: NBA 2K19 Is 'Trash And Predatory'

2K Games has made it quite clear by now that it sees videogames not as artistic expressions, but purely as a means to extract as much money from its customers as possible. No purer example exists than the NBA 2K series.



Micro-transactions on a AAA-Sports game, I am NOT surprised.

Juha Linna

you should say "porn game model in AAA game". Usuallu in porn game you hit wall that you have to use money to progress.

Faith and Valor have a good month creators. Love all that you do.

This is the first editorial I've read of yours. I'd never been to your website. Good stuff your writing is very similar to how you present on the Jimquisition. I'll be honest I stopped reading player reviews after the first 12 but I'll check out more of these in the future.


don't let up!

Ben L.

It's like Best Boy Strauss Zelnick (don't know if I spelled that right but he doesn't deserve the courtesy of a quick Google) said: if you try to grab every last nickel, somewhere in the customer's mind they KNOW. They might not even know that they-- no, wait. Looks like they just know.


Its getting hammered on steam as well, the store page even has the mobile style microtransactions laid out right below the main bit where it says Buy NBA 2K19 20th Anniversary Edition £69.99................