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We've somehow made it to 200 episodes of this weekly gibberish! We raise a glass of Fantarito and Cyberpunk beer, we go round the twist, we reminisce, and we talk about some of our favorite games of the past four years. 


Podquisition Episode 200: It Is The 200th Episode! by Jimquisition

We've somehow made it to 200 episodes of this weekly gibberish! We raise a glass of Fantarito and Cyberpunk beer, we go round the twist, we reminisce, and we talk about some of our favorite games of the past four years.


Alicejack Airheart

So excited for 200! I look forward to Thursdays, spending an afternoon with mates, talking about video games


Shadow of the Tomb Raider did not "jump the shark" at all IMO, didn't find it boring in the least, I think it's a fucking fantastic game, easily in my top 10 for this year. I like Dennis Hopper as Bowser.


I think David Cage games are really damn good.


RE6 is IMO the best RE game in the series, it's the game where the series finally embraced the over-the-top nature of the films and was all the better for it, plus having four campaigns was awesome.


Both Homefront games are good.


Popular franchises and games I could never get into-Portal, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Witcher, Souls, Amnesia, JRPGs in general, League of Legends, DOTA(any MOBA really) and World of Warcraft.


I'm with you and Joshscorcher on Okami.


I started listening to the podcast 150, after years of watching the content pre and post Jimdependance. I always look forward to the podcast and has become probably my main/general games podcast and I had wished that I had started from episode 1, as I'm sure it would have make some of my lower days in the past few years remotely bearable. I'm proud that I contribute to your patreon, keep up the awesome work dude!

