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Nintendo is a ridiculous company that cannot simply do something simple. There's always a complication, a caveat, a catch. Even cloud saving, which every other platform has nailed, must be subject to Nintendo's arcane rulings. 

So, cloud saves will only work for SOME Nintendo Switch games, not ALL of them. The ones excluded are pretty heavy hitters too. Looks like another Nintendo Move to me!


Nintendo Switch Online's Cloud Save Debacle (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com https://www.thejimporium.com Nintendo is a ridiculous company that cannot simply do something simple. There's always a complication, a caveat, a catch. Even cloud saving, which every other platform has nailed, must be subject to Nintendo's arcane rulings. So, cloud saves will only work for SOME Nintendo Switch games, not ALL of them. The ones excluded are pretty heavy hitters too. Looks like another Nintendo Move to me! __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Jim’s Big Ego (No Relation): http://bigego.com/ Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



Yeah this kind of bullshit is why I don't yet own a Switch(I honestly think the Gamecube, Wii, and Wii U are better systems) and I don't think i'll own one for another few years (after the price goes down and games I actually care about like Bayonetta 3 and No More Heroes are out) Oh here's the ironic part, the Nintendo sub-reddit is actually agreeing with you, the Games sub on the other hand is full of the usual liars("Jim only does negative videos! "He's lying just for attention!" etc) got plenty more material for Amiel on there. <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/9gki9l/nintendo_switch_onlines_cloud_save_debacle_the/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/9gki9l/nintendo_switch_onlines_cloud_save_debacle_the/</a> <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/9gki2m/nintendo_switch_onlines_cloud_save_debacle_the/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/9gki2m/nintendo_switch_onlines_cloud_save_debacle_the/</a>


The connective tissue for all these problems - microtransactions, loot boxes, skin economies, online play fees for games that are mainly designed for online play etc. - is online gaming itself. "The medium is the message." If you want online gaming, this is what you'll get. This and worse, as developers and publishers learn new and more subtle ways of using the sunk cost fallacy, and the social pressure aspects of marketing to scuttle any actual fun in gaming to be replaced with feeding addictive behavior. If you want to play video games, the future is NOT online. That's turning into something else - manipulative "service" models in which consumers are distracted from their lives, but don't necessarily have fun, or grow as people (like one might with a well made, story and character driven, single-player game).

Korey Burns

I'm not sure if they are banking on such a low cost of $20 making you put up with stuff like this, but I'm not buying it. As of now, no online service for me.

Perpetual Noob

That instant deletion bit is bothersome. Of course, so is the removal of current capabilities and hiding it behind a paywall now. That's simply underhanded. Why is Nintendo being so stupid? They had such a great thing going with the Switch. :/


Something else not mentioned: Nintendo can't even keep track of online multiplayer rankings of Splatoon 2-it has do it locally, so why on earth should we trust them to deliver an online service that does not suck ass?


Yeah bullshit like this is only going to hurt Switch sales in the long run(that and the run of not-so-great Switch ports), as people will be scared off from buying it for fear that they will lose all of their data(being a portable console also makes it much easier for it to be stolen off you, especially if you like to bring it along with you to public places)


Agreed, this is why I avoid most games that are primarily online-based, i'll make exceptions for stuff like Destiny, Defiance and The Division, but games like that are few and far between, I avoid pretty much everything that's online multiplayer-only like For Honor.


I won;t get a switch until it supports DS/3DS carts or I can get a used one to jail break. While the portable console idea is great they killed my interest snubbing their noses at BWC...

JZBeasty the Huggable Snep

To play devil's advocate, while it is bullshit, I can see the reasoning behind Pokemon, Dead Cells, and Dark Souls. Save scumming could interfere with the spirit of those games or make it a harder time for other online players that don't save scum. The problem though is that surely there could be a workaround to prevent that. Like have the backups all be automatic so that if someone tries to reload a save, they would get a message saying the cloud save doesn't match up with the save on the console and will be overwritten. After all, cloud saves are basically for preserving save data in case of a console bricking so make it so that you can't download those saves unless you have a factory reset console. At least then save scummers would have to reset their consoles to do that. On a side note, I thought Jim would like the NES thing because it's basically NES Netflix. Yeah there's the dripfeed again but they are all included in the price and will potentially include other classic systems like SNES and GBA. As a Nintendo fanboy with friends that I play a lot of games with online, I kind of have to get the online service but aside from the NES stuff, I do think it's still bullshit that I need to fertilize my garden.


Just pray that the other walled gardens.. i mean consoles.. don't join in on this.

Jason Youngberg

"spirit of the game"? It sounds like you're telling other people how to have fun.


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