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Another developer (if we stretch the meaning of the word) initiates a copyright takedown strike, then doubles down on stupid with an astounding confession of spite. If there was any doubt that these takedowns came from a place other than petty attempted vengeance, let the story of Digpex Games put it to bed. Wow, these people.


Skate Man Intense Rescue: A Steam Spite Story (The Jimquisition)



Thank God for you- Jim.


You should have dropped a mic at the end there XD Also, is that a new camera?

Sterling Treadwell

wait.. did you just offer yer cat to those bastards?! aww... poor pussy cat..


Jim, stop picking on those poor, weak indy developers, you big meany head bully! You're nothing more than a big poopy-pants jerk face!

Joe Lou

ooooooHHHHHHH!!! SNAP!


Best Jimquisition yet! All Hail King Jim.


This silly garbage is probably going to continue to happen until some cranky studio attempts to fuck with a channel big enough to have lawyers, and the subsequent litigation involves the possibility of youtube being financially responsibly for unfounded copyright claims that impact the channels revenue. Until it is a risk to cost youtube money, I don't see them acting on it.


I know that you can't sue YouTube/Google, but isn't it still possible to sue the developer for loss of potential revenue? I mean, you can show (based upon average revenue from similar videos) that your videos make a certain amount of money within their first 2 weeks of release. You can show that the developer flagrantly abused the YouTube copyright strike system to get your video taken down. So I would assume that you can make a claim that the dev caused deliberate financial loss and that they should be liable for compensating you.Maybe if a precedent is set in case law, it may put a stop to the abuse of the YouTube copyright strike system. Just a thought.


I feel like "shots fired" doesn't really cover this video. lol


hahaha this is one of the reasons I support you. Fucking glorious.


we'll never know what could have been. do game devs ever just coherently berate you and leave it at that?


Frickin' awesome Jim :D


I thank God after every Jimquisition.


Shots fired?! More like Jim Fucking Sterling Son just brought the rain!


Apply cold water to the HELLFIRE INFERNO!


Very nice