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On this week's episode, we talk about Spider-Man, and Laura's played some interesting games around London Town. Also, Gav is The Mistered Bright Sides. 


Podquisition Episode 198: The Stink Of Desperation by Jimquisition

On this week's episode, we talk about Spider-Man, and Laura's played some interesting games around London Town. Also, Gav is The Mistered Bright Sides.



In reference to your Overwatch rebuttal, I love how Polygon just willfully ignore the *REAMS* of evidence that Activision/Blizzard use an algortithm that cripples the drop rate for your most played heroes.


I thought Justice League was a damn good movie, don't get the hate for it at all. CGI looked pretty good to me and I didn't notice anything off with Cavill's face. I think people hate on the DCEU films way too much, I don't give a fuck what WB's motivation for making them was as long as they are enjoyable to watch, and for me Man of Steel, Suicide Squad, BvS and Justice League were all a damn good ride and i'm looking forward to Aquaman very much.


Yeah so much for them being a progressive website, that article sounded like it was written by a Trump supporter with the amount of asskissing on behalf of the publisher.


Yeah i'm with Gav on the first Captain America film, bored the crap out of me, also found the Thor movies underwhelming and forgettable at best.