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A competent movie. Let's talk about a competent movie. 


The Spin-Off Doctors: Tomb Raider 2018 by Jimquisition

A competent movie. Let's talk about a competent movie.



Actress who played Lara was amazing, I dug this film.


Since you're on the hunt for creepy movies, and I don't recall you mentioning it in the past, I'd highly recommend Hereditary. I think it might be up your alley.

Tobasco da Gama

Competent was the best word for this. Solid 7/10 movie, at least as good as Breath of the Wild.


Well I wouldn't have called it "competent", more like boring predictable shit that completely fails to capture the mystery Tomb Raider evokes, but I'm interested to listen to your opinion. Maybe you can convince me of its competency. Will start now.