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Thank the sweet lord that's done with. The finale managed to be an utter disappointment, which is weird, because the game was *already* a letdown. That takes some work!


Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 4 - Metamorphosis Review

Capcom's adventure in episodic profiteering comes gurgling toward its petty conclusion. Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Format: PC, PS4, Xbox One (reviewed) Released: March 17, 2015 Copy provided by publisher Is that it? That's the primary question on my lips as Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 4 starts rolling its credits.


Stush Cinta

Sad to hear it was such a dissapointment. I haven't really hated it, but I REALLY enjoyed revelations 1, so I'm a bit sad that this one hasn't been as good as I was hoping.