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DmC, now there's a game that left me with a few old wounds. My positive review of the original version scored me some of the most hateful responses in my entire career. Nasty, nasty stuff. Let's see if time has healed, shall we?


DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition Review - Like A Vergil

Here we go again... Developer: Ninja Theory Publisher: Capcom Format: PC, PS4 (reviewed), Xbox One Released: March 10, 2015 Copy provided by publisher Videogame reviews are notoriously controversial in the world of games media - it's astounding just how brutal reactions can be when strangers on the Internet provide their opinions of videogames.



I really liked DMC. Actually I did a re-run this weekend ^_^ Only thing I dislike about it is that it has so few bossbattles. I hope they will progress on this story. I found the old Dante boring as a character. This new Dante is way better. Everyone hating on critics is pathetic. I don't always agree with reviewers either and then the mob tends to attack on that too. Some people... Lately more and more sadly are just so dumb. They should focus all that anger on something more important like conservationism of this world maybe. Entire ecosystems are being killed of worldwide and people argue about something as insignificant as the looks of a gamecharacter >_< While the said character doesn't even look or behave badly in the slightest.