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Look, I enjoy Skyrim a hell of a lot. That's no secret. But there comes a time where every Skyrim fan has to admit, y'know, fuck it.


Fuck Skyrim (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/Jimquisition-merch Look, I enjoy Skyrim a hell of a lot. That's no secret. But there comes a time where every Skyrim fan has to admit, y'know, fuck it.



Have they finished it yet? Main quest and others are unfinished, skill, perks and equipment are half there, wheres spell making? Love the vid btw!


Please continue to be this kind of fan. We need more of these. You know, the ones not afraid to point out the obvious problems instead of only glorifying what is good.

arthur D. gonzalez-martin

this is why i dont do the mine action, its faster to just dual weald pickaxes and use the weapon speed up shout to beat the ore out than mine normally


I've stopped playing Bethesda's primary games (the Elder Scrolls/Fallout), due to this very issue. I become overwhelmed when I want to pick up one of these games as I see just how many mods I need to download, install, and install in the right order, just to ensure the thing is stable enough to not be quick saving every minute (to say nothing of mods for personal preferences and THEN ensure they're compatible with the basic fixes). You need mod managers, script extenders, and third party utilities just to keep the thing stable and manageable. Why is this acceptable? Why do these games require so much work to keep running from everyone BUT Bethesda? It instantly repels me when I consider the hoops I have to jump through, the instability I have to accept, and the ridiculous animations constantly on display that all combine to constantly catapult me from every experience. So many other open-world games are far more stable and far more finished than these games. I want to love these series as I started to get pulled in with Skyrim, but the constant crashes and quest breaks just build up to the point that I got frustrated and moved to Dark Souls to get the same sword and sorcery itch scratched (which turned out for the best). When you point out that again and again Bethesda releases these "remasters" of these crash prone, laughable, and technically archaic (even at time of release) games, yet do nothing to fix even the basic problems, I do ask, "What the hell has Bethesda been doing all of this time?" Fuck Skyrim.


Too dark? There's no brightness configuring x)?


Bethesda apparently has around 100 people working on game design. I'm not going to say that excuses putting out another port to milk the franchise. But I do think there needs to be an awareness that the thousand-person teams of Ubisoft, Activision, or EA- the ones that have Jim saying "Triple-A" with that whiny voice- aren't in play here. I suspect that we can have games with a smaller, tighter focus; we can have games with a certain amount of clunkiness (like Bethesda's RPGs); or we can have all the focus-tested, beancounter-approved, market-trend-chasing that comes with trying to justify a big budget title. But, no, we *can't* have it all.

Eric S

I have to agree bugs that are that old need at least a few of them fixed in six years. Throw us a bone Bethesda. Just at least try a little when you release a new version. I could understand fixing it in the new re releases. But not caring at all is just disappointing.


I guess the reason this feels weird is that games have to keep being "re-mastered" to be sold. We don't expect books or movies to be updated. (In fact, it's usually infuriating when they are.) But games are not like a book where they just print new copies, or even movies where they can just copy the film master to DVD or BluRay or Whatever. They have to do work to bring it to us again, so why are they not doing the work that needs to get done?


Glad I’m not the only one! And I absolutely LOVE Skyrim, but yeah, 6 years later, I shouldn’t STILL be getting stuck under the Skyforge, and walk under the entire city of Whiterun lol!


Depends on the book. Most novels do not need to have their story fixed in a technical sense (like a game bug). However, technical books (like education books) often get errata published, minor updates with fixes, and new editions.