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We've had much of 2017 to see what Steam Direct has done for Steam.

Since Steam Direct turned out to be a complete farce, it's safe to say it ain't done a lot. You need not take my word for it either.

Also, Sterdust accepts a challenge from Pro Wrestling Ego.


Post Direct, Steam Is Shittier Than Ever (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/Jimquisition-merch We've had much of 2017 to see what Steam Direct has done for Steam. Since Steam Direct turned out to be a complete farce, it's safe to say it ain't done a lot. You need not take my word for it either. Also, Sterdust accepts a challenge from Pro Wrestling Ego.



Ok who else had to google "pro wresting ego" ?

Stephen Ford

It sounds like what valve needs to do is program an AI to play through these games to see if they're worth publishing or not since they can't bother to do it themselves...


Hhmm, i vote Jim runs a publishing service that priorities keeping shit games out, and only way to get in is you're willing to take up a pro wrestling challenge. What a great twist.

Earnest Williams

OMG if you rassle, it's got to be on video.


As long as Steam has no competitor that is about as big as them, they can get away with not putting effort to improve or innovate. They will only fix a problem if they are legally required to do so like Steam refunds or have negative PR. Steam service is a steaming pile of shit. The amount of piss poor effort games that are there is like what you would see in those browser flash games that contain thousands of games with 95% of them being terrible but the difference is they are being sold at a price. I feel bad for the indie developers that are trying to release good games within a ocean of bad games. It makes it hard for the consumer to find good games and even harder for developers to sell and market their game.


What really ticks me off is, they're rolling in money but they can't pay people $15 an hour to go through and remove these horrible games? Heck, they can't even be bothered to pay for tech support. Have a problem? Email them and maybe they'll fix your problem. Eventually.


Jimmy Sterling in a wrestling match, yeah yeah yeah. At least he's not rasslin' women?


Suspect is hatless. I repeat, hatless.

Edward Sutherland iv

You know, using Steam to be for "exposure" is kind of on you at this point. Game Dev's should REALLY look at smarter more effective marketing instead of relying on what is basically a repository of games like steam was meant to be. Its the Deviant art or Tumblr of game distribution and should be used as such.

Rune Shimotsuji Storm

What a Bummer :"( I uploaded my own Game on steam as "concept art" a year back, soon to find out that I accidentally uploaded it as a Greenlight project. Not sure how many votes I got but eventually Greenlight was rebooted and my game got Greenlit automatically. I was happy to see that it got Greenlit, but at the same time I had hoped that actual human beings would vote for it... Anyway, I thought this reboot would change things up...but seems like it's just as bad as it used to be *knock on wood that my game isn't a shit game* .... Anyway, but the time my game is ready, I hope for another - proper reboot - of steam... I'm already eyeing GOG as an alternative... :) Keep it up Jim!


I honestly think that Valve doesn't care what you say, because their users believe that Steam's a monopoly. They've convinced the world that Steam is the only game in town for PC gaming. If you want Valve to take notice, you need to start pushing alternatives, and pointing out what those alternatives do differently. (When you give a game a bad review, you recommend that people don't buy it, right? Why not do the same when you give a service a bad review?) Personally, I recommend stumping for HumbleStore, but I think I'd be shouted down by people who prefer Gog.


I can understand why Youtube depends on algorithms; literally millions of hours of video are uploaded to Youtube weekly. You would need to employ an entire city full of moderators, stationed worldwide, to manage all of that. Logistically, that's just not possible. Steam, on the other hand, could definitely employ three or four people to keep an eye on the 10-20 games released daily through Steam Direct. They just don't.


how about the Microsoft Store? apart from the occasional self published game, this application is rarely used to release a game on two platforms through Xbox. Devolver's been pretty good about utilizing this cloud communication(Enter the Gungeon, Ruiner), but with the success of the Switch as a new frontier for Indie games, I am surprised more devs aren't willing to jump through the hoops to get their games on the rather barren MS Store.


This is why I now buy games on GOG.


Hmm... The Wrestling,um, "Ego" guys don't seem to quite feel what the Sterdust is puttin' down. They also didn't seem to know you last name or just didn't connect the 'Sters.