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We all saw this coming. Time for another perusal of Metacritic's user reviews, as Battlefront II gets utterly thrashed. 


Metabombed: Star Wars Battlefront II Is 'The Epitome Of Years Of Corporate Greed'

Like a Star Wars Holiday Special, Battlefront II has left us all confused and feeling exploited. The backlash was so huge, EA had to temporarily retreat and take the microtransactions out of the game. A disastrous Reddit AMA, worried investors, prying regulators, and mainstream news headlines forced them to pull back and find a more palatable way to deploy its glorified gambling.



this is gold! XD love it!

Jordan P

Looks like Disney was behind EA's last minute yank of the micro-transactions: <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2017/11/17/this-is-likely-why-ea-took-action-with-star-wars-battlefront-2s-microtransactions/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2017/11/17/this-is-likely-why-ea-took-action-with-star-wars-battlefront-2s-microtransactions/</a>


Drink the tears. Hmm hmm so delicious. Is it too optimistic to think they've finally learned a lesson?


Just focusing on the game itself its better than the last one but not nearly as good as the old series. A shame DLC has broken up games so much you can't even get a middling experience from the train wrecks they make.


Great game this is! Eloquently speak do I! Coherent in contrast to others on Metacritic, do I sound! (10/10) -Yoda


Crate idea EA, seems to be paying off..


i couldnt help reading "Disable luteboxes!!! Disable luteboxes!!! Disable luteboxes!!!" in an earl of lemongrab voice

Oberon's Paradox

On top of the ridiculous gambling, another focus seems to be: How little game content can we chuck into the special editions while including the sugar-frenzy, drool-inducing hypnosis key word "Legendary" to the weapons pack? Look at the price of AC Origins Digital Deluxe and Gold Editions on the PS store atm and feel the derisive laughter bubble up from the primordial, common-sense pits of your very soul. (Cue the Andy Parsons voice-over) Normal edition price tag is more than enough for all that extra shit..but mommies bank card is sitting right there..should I wait until the inevitable sale? Nahh, patience is for losers..BUY IT NOW!!

Oberon's Paradox

"When the fun stops, stop." Or, what they really mean.."Never Stop!! NEVER!! CONSUME!! GaaARBBLLGHH" -illusion of humanity flickers and fades from CEO faces to reveal Cthulu Old Ones wearing suits-