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Hi gang,

Just a note to say we're pushing Commentocracy again this week, due to needing more time to get other projects cleared off. This'll be the finale before we bring Duke Amiel du H'ardcore back for another series.

Probably for the best anyway, since a weekly show proved to be a bit overkill for such a character, and the next run is something we'll space out a lot more efficiently anyway.

Thank you and thanks so much for the continued support.





That's alright Jim, you take your time. That said, perhaps Commentocracy might work better as a Bi-Weekly series?


We're thinking probably monthly. Gives us time to give it the editing it really needs, plus it's good spacing for a character so in-your-face.


Whatevers easier, don't over strain yourself mun!


To be fair it might be best to rather than separate individual statements to do a full fledged aristocrat rant.


Like Wasabi or Worcestershire, a wee dab o' du H'ardcore will do. Totally agree that the Duke should only get trotted out when his oratory emanations are in dire need.

The Nanomatic

I've always considered the editing to be quite exquisite.


Editing has improved, especially the audio.


Sad. It's my Girlfriend's favorite thing

Crissa Kentavr

Well, can’t expect there to be a Gamergate or otherwise every week, either! Don’t sweat it. ^-^


Off with his head!!! j/k


As long as the Duke isn’t being permanently retired, it’s all good.

steve mcsteve

I just imagine the Duke needs more time on the fainting couch after hearing mud stained yokels disagreeing with such erudite decrees.

Trevor Bond

I do hope the Duke moves on to properly glorious projects! But yeah, whatever is best for you, Jim.


I would love it to be weekly but understand wanting to pull it back a bit. My partner says it is "too much" so I like to play new episodes while we're having breakfast.




Commentocracy has been one of my favorite series’s you’ve done and the one I’ve ended up sharing the most with other people who’ve all loved it! I’m sad to see the series go, but def looking forward to Duke Amiel du H’ardcore’s next appearance.

Jochen Brinkmann

I think the weekly format was a good way to establish the show. Now that its a thing it probably doesn't hurt to reduce its frequency - you can listen only to so much of this kind of comments, even when performed this good. Good work on the series!


Aww.... I hate that feeling when your know some series you really love is about to end. It never stops me from finishing said series but a small part of you kinda wishes it could go on forever. That small part of you doesn't live in the real world and every other part knows everything has to end sometime and it's better to go out on a high note rather than limping itself into suckiness before being taken out back and put down Ol' Yeller-style. <br><br>Hmm. That seems like a lesson certain video game companies could stand to learn.