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After EA murdered Visceral and "pivoted" its Star Wars game, there has been much talk of the death of single-player games. 

The Jimquisition explains just how long this debate has lasted, and why single-player is doing okay. 

Bonus Content: Oh, Ubisoft!


Single-Player Healthcare (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/Jimquisition-merch After EA murdered Visceral and "pivoted" its Star Wars game, there has been much talk of the death of single-player games.  The Jimquisition explains just how long this debate has lasted, and why single-player is doing okay.  Bonus Content: Oh, Ubisoft!



Just wanna say real quick that hearing drill queen every now and then is nice


Will watch the video when I get home from work, I just wanna say the title of the video is excellent.


So that flash at 11:40 of a metacritic score of 69 (so essentially 7/10) for Syndicate, that is probably mean to indicate that it is good game right? That score is a perfectly good score, it means it is a good game? ;-)


I couldn't agree with you more Jim. I love single player, story driven games and rarely play online.


Bring back 5 minute episodes!


“They’re all dead.” “Who’s dead? Not Petersen.” “He’s dead Dave, everybody’s dead Dave.” “Not Selby.” “Everybody’s dead Dave!” “What about Krissy Kochanski? She’s not dead is she?” “She’s dead Dave, everybody’s dead. Everybody’s. Dead. Dave.” “Are you trying to tell me that everyone’s dead?” “I should never have let him out...”