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Dear Patrons,

Due to the huge release schedule for games and Jimquisition-related filming commitments, we're postponing Amiel du H'ardcore's Commentocracy this week. He should be back to smarming it up next week.

After "season one" is done, we've decided to not run Commentocracy weekly in future. I believe we may have gone a bit overkill and the show would have benefitted from a less rigid, less regular schedule.

Thanks and love for all the support,



You do you Jim! We're here for ya!


Thanks! As always, this will not mean a lack of content. Got a lot of Jimpressions cued up, and it's Halloween so Monday will be a traditional horror topic with hoooopefully a special extra episode on Halloween itself.


Good call on our artisto friend, his appearances should be a special treat, not a scheduled meal. Too much rich food, n' all. Have him saunter in from the croquet field if and when some REALLY juicily stupid mouth-droppings appear, and only then. In the meanwhile, continue being the thorn in the game industry's spotty behind.


Exactly. I think for the next round (after we update the costume a little), I'll see how it fares as more of a monthly endeavor.

Jason Youngberg

While I liked it once a week I understand the effort involved in making it along with your other productions. I'm good with the change. Have you considered doing it just for new releases of "hardcore" games so you can get the best material?

Christophe Perrin

Good decision. Although ima miss Amiel.


I rarely come onto patreon, but your comments section.... it's full of.... well considered statements! I am 100% with Harry. Though... I do hope we see Sterdust again sooner rather than later.


It's well considered planning like this that convinces me you truly are a Great Showman. I'm taking notes!

Crissa Kentavr

Yeah! Also, they might benefit an article on the source material? I found myself digging for the article you referred to in the last one, but the article was from seven months ago! So it wasn’t easy to find. Maybe a transcript with a few links? Doesn’t need to be fancy, just enough to catch up those who missed it.

Trevor Bond

As much as I love Amiel, I make a point of not fussing over the schedules of active creatives and critics, because honestly, I don't know what you've got on the burners so I don't complain! As long as he shows up once in a while I'll be happy.


Once every month or so seems reasonable. Farewell good duke.