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As Patrons, it's important you read this particular bit of news. I'm addressing an long-standing burnout problem I've had with traditional game reviews. 

I want to jack the old model in, and bring in what I think is a better approach to game reviews. This results in more content for you, and ultimately I believe you'll like it. 


Changing Criticism, Or Fuck Game Reviews

So let's just cut to the chase - I'm over game reviews. I continued writing game reviews after I declared Jimdependence because of my passion for traditional games criticism. They were not the real draw for the Jimquisition's Patreon, but nonetheless I added them in as a means to continue doing something I loved on the side.



Adapt gambling laws to include gambling in video games which targets children. <a href="https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/201300" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/201300</a>


Cool. You know what's best and that's why you got my support. :)


You have our support Jim!

Hank Kleinberg

Aw, man. I love your reviews. I really hope you have a change of heart.

Jason Youngberg

Sounds like a good idea. I'm willing to give it a try.

Jason Youngberg

I'm sure the new approach will still have the Jim-Fucking-Sterling-Son style even if the approach is different.


Makes sense, the only shame here for me is I really enjoy your written work and it sounds like we'll be getting less of that - but whatever, I understand why you'd want to stop with the review craziness.

Ben L.

So does that mean no more written work about video games? That would be a shame. I enjoy your writing style.

Stephen Ford

Jim, if the passion has you moving to other media than written reviews, I think you should follow it. HOWEVER if you're worried about leaving a void it may be a good opportunity to offer guest reviews from other personalities you respect in your industry... if there are any.

Jordan P

I'm honestly not surprised you're going this direction as other's I follow have already done so. The review landscape has just become so toxic at this point, with reviewers giving games high scores despite talking about how bad things like micro-transactions are in the games. When I see stuff like that it makes review scores, and even the reviews themselves, seem rather pointless.


As a patron, I feel my money is being put towards you developing as a creator to a certain extent so I'm all for this. You just keep doing your thang!


I hope you continue doing the first-impressions videos with minimal editing. They've always been my favorite part of your channel. (I guess I'm in the minority?) This festive month, especially, I've been hoping for some horror game jimpressions.


I think the statement of you being the “only reviewer [they] trusted.” may be a leaning towards the fact that you're a little more personal about your gaming. We see you in your videos. We get to see your personality, your likes, dislikes and your weird shenanigans. Over time, people can use your line of tastes in games as a compass for themselves. The problem with that is it's hard for people to 'get to know' other reviewers. I certainly am not gonna spend my time following a dozen or so reviewers. That's a lot of investment. I think that's why people latch onto one or two personalities that they can feel attached to. So I wouldn't say that being the only reviewer they trust is a 'bad' statement overall, but it can lead to too much subjectivity on a game that perhaps they are getting too little a window on if they only follow a single reviewer.


Could you maybe just write up simple impressions of games you are playing? I truly value your opinion on smaller titles that may not get much press. Sexy Brutale is a great example. I would not have looked twice at this game without your endorsement. That being said, you do whatever you need to keep creative and to make great content.


Totally fine with that decision. I can't wait what will come out of that :)


You do you ! Also, can't wait to see what you have in mind.


While you aren't the "only" reviewer I trust, you are definitely one of only a select few, but I don't really see why that has to change. It's your opinions I'm after and you're still going to be putting your opinions out (and from the sound of it, we'll be getting more of them in fact.) Any move that is better for your mental health is a good one to make, and I think the lot of us would much rather you be in a good place doing more of what you love, rather than tying you down to doing something you no longer love just for the sake of "more content." I know I'm relatively new to the Patreon but I've loved your work for a long time and you'll have my support either way. 👍🏻


With how many of these comments reflect some admiration for your writing, I gotta say I feel a bit regretful about not giving your website some attention. I'll have to go back a read these reviews before they become simply archived.


I'm not too bothered about reviews. I don't really use them to make purchasing decisions anyway. The reason I decided to pledge is because I think it's important that someone be independently shining a light on all the shady business in the industry. I do enjoy your other content too though, and Jimpressions is great for getting some general info about a game.


I feel I need to say that this saddens me immensely. I really enjoyed your written reviews, if only to here someone else say the things I'm thinking. But like everyone has said, you do you! You still have my full support!


Do what you gotta do Jim. &lt;3


I'm still going to support you because I love your content, but this does read like a defeat. It's kind of like well funded PR machine beats little media into submission. If I could give you any piece off advice, delegate by bringing other people into your media brand you trust to do the reviews you are burnt out on. Best fortunes to you in your pivot, regardless.

Hansbert Emmer

Don't really need a review format from you personally, as we'll continue to get your opinions on games from the podquisition, or at least I hope so. Other than that....do what works for you, honestly. If you're not passionate about what you're doing as a creator, the audience will get bored as well.


Using City of Brass as an example, I get more from you honestly reacting to playing a game than any amount of editorializing. So, I'm in.


I like this move, we will get a more genuine opinion of the game as time goes on. Personally I don't need a score or a 4 minute video to tell me about the game, just give me your thoughts and impressions and that's that. I love on the podquisition when you talk about games you are playing and find that more engaging then a review. Looking forward to this!

Dan Cordell

I will admit, I am a bit disappointed, but I support your decision. You're the creator so it is your choice on how you deliver your criticisms. I am excited to see how this goes.


And that's why we vote for Jim with our money. An independent with (non-irrational) love for video games with the heart in the right place.


Sounds dandy!


It's only a defeat if you think numbered reviews represented the hill worth dying on. I don't think they do. I do much more good with The Jimquisition, which I know is what *really* pisses off the industry, and Jimpressions pivoting its purpose will actually ensure my criticism gets out quicker than it would waiting to get through a whole game before putting out a review.


For me, the Jimpressions videos of games are enough to make up my mind about a game i.e interested/not interested. I love your reviews because of the way you write, but I understand and agree with your stance on this. AGAIN this MY opinion, it is fine if you disagree, it is YOUR opinion. Keep up your awesome work Jim &lt;3


This is a real shame not because a lot of us just want a number or prefer a tired format but because your written work was excellently crafted and it's sad to see it disappear. I think consiering the format of the reviews you wrote "tired" is a little self-deprecating though. Reviews like Beginner's Guide, Sexy Brutale and Pony Island are a pretty far cry from a bog standard review. One quick point on "I have to wonder what the point of game reviews are if people only trust one or two people in the whole industry". I think what people mean by this is that everybody has their own tastes and sometimes it's hard to find somebody that enjoys the same things you do - they're able to get a good sense of what they'd love and hate by hearing your thoughts over those of somebody else with their own interests. Decent reviews include subjectivity or they end up as mere feature lists. You happen to be their match and so they valued your opinion over others because of it. All this said, I'm fully behind you and hope you continue doing what you're passionate about. I know you don't take decisions like this lightly and care deeply about what you do - it shows. Best of luck for the future Jim, here's to many more years of cake fuckery.


I always felt that they weren't your best content. Your impressions videos seem a lot more geared towards who you are. It kinda shows when you're not really enjoying something. Glad you made the change for yourself.


I'm saddened by that. We're losing quality content after all, and I don't mean patreon backers, or Jim-brand consumers. The whole game reviewing scene lost a unique voice in the industry, and that's a shame...


I agree. I enjoy Jim Sterling's reviews. However, he needs to do what is best for his creativity. I hope the new formats will be a satisfactory change to the status quo.

Nagatsu Seiken

Honestly - given your plans for additional content and a change of format in other areas, I'm actually glad to see you doing something that'll make you happier in the long run. While I liked your reviews, both the written &amp; video formats, the highlights were always in other areas for me. I'm looking forward to what the future holds.


Along with Harker's comments, I also think Jim Sterling is very trustworthy because of his continued vigilance against the BS of the video game industry. No matter what content he creates, the audience knows that it is his genuine and educated evaluation and opinion. He is not beholden to anyone in the gaming industry. He praises work that is worthy of attention. His negative remarks are not controversial click-baiting to generate views. If Sterling is directly involved with a project that he makes an article about, then he will make sure to offer full disclosure to the audience. Love him. Hate him. Agree with him. Disagree with him. The audience knows that the reports are 100% Jim F*cking Sterling SON! And of course, thank God for him. :-D


You do you man.

Trevor Bond

If it helps with your life, you go right ahead, Jim. I'm in no position to complain about a guy who puts out as much work as you do!

Rhem T. Bright

Definitely kind of bummed to hear it, because I did love your reviews. But then I realized that this would spare you the pressure of having to mainline games like Knack 2. And now I see that this is the only right decision. But seriously, I trust you to deliver the good content, whatever form you decide it's best to deliver it in. Keep on keepin' on!

Shade Meadows

Do as ya wish Jim, i'm sure we'll love it!

Big Cheesin'

Hurt my Nintendo Fan feelings, daddy


I always liked reading the reviews, but I trust your feelings on this &amp; look forward to what comes next.

Kyle Williams

I see on your YouTube page you've made an "Old School Jimpressions" section. The way you word it sounds like you aren't doing those short playthroughs with immediate reactions anymore. Is that right? If so that's a shame as you playing a pile so shit asset flip is always hilarious, even if you have to suffer through it.


well, regardless of my personal feelings or the feelings of anyone else on you not doing reviews for their benefit i do want to say i am glad you are doing what you can to keep yourself safe and (sort of) happy, stay safe my good sir!


I support whatever you think is best. But I am also in the group of people that did consider you the "trusted" reviewer. I must say your the only one I read full reviews of on metacritic. I hope we can still get some feedback from you on new games even if its not in traditional review format. Thanks Jim !

Book Of Jobe

That’s understandable. Do what you love and works for you


Kudos on coming up with something that works better for you and having the guts to go for it. I enjoyed your reviews, but am looking forward to seeing the new Jimpressions too.


Feedback - So far I prefer the tight, scripted, thorough reviews, as opposed to the conversational Jimpressions. I don't need "more content" - I've got more content out there than I can possibly get to. A lengthy unscripted ramble about a game isn't as useful to me as your reviews have been. Your reviews are a big part of why I chose to support you on Patreon. Totally understand you have to do what you're passionate about - just giving you my feedback on this shift to date. Cheers