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This one has... been a long time coming. The unscripted part at the end has... been a long time coming. 

How long does YouTube itself have? Long enough, I reckon, to fuck up a hell of a lot more between now and whenever it gets what it deserves. 

Oh shit, I said fuck in the video description. I guess no sexual penis is going to want to vaginally advertise with my anus now. What a load of LGBTQ areolas. 


YouTube Has A YouTube Problem (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/Jimquisition-merch This one has... been a long time coming. The unscripted part at the end has... been a long time coming.  How long does YouTube itself have? Long enough, I reckon, to fuck up a hell of a lot more between now and whenever it gets what it deserves.  Oh shit, I said fuck in the video description. I guess no sexual penis is going to want to vaginally advertise with my anus video now. What a load of LGBTQ areolas.  _____________________________________ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com


Kass Fireborn

Christ, just that final paragraph makes me want to sing "Did you ever know that you're my hero" and I haven't even gotten to the vid yet.


Guess Google forgot their mantra "Don't be evil."

Stephen Ford

Part of the reason folks aren't leaving youtube any time soon isn't just the viewer base, but the buffer google/youtube acts as between the content providers and greedy/trixy corporations which prey on content. I'm not saying youtube is doing a great job, but pointing out that balance would be even worse if content providers struck out on their own to host their own content. Not only would a youtube alternative need the viewership, the bandwidth to host every stupid video people want to post to the internet, but also have the political/business swagger to keep greedy corporate players from suing their way into the advertising cookie jar.


This is really the only reason YouTube is still up. Google is really one of the only companies that has the needed clout and money to keep the MPAA and RIAA somewhat at bay. Though there is Amazon. Twitch could easily be turned into the next great YouTube with a small rework, and they have pretty much cornered the streaming market.

Crissa Kentavr

The new anti-LGBT ads are despicable as well.


That last rant there at the end is the best thing I've heard all week.


Thank god for you, Jim! That was inspiring despite the "beholden to incompetent overlords" theme of the episode.


Awesome video ! I have the same thing going on and am a little channel lol .I also have another issue and I don't know if its a you tube thing or a FB thing or both ,but lately i like other people I have heard from am having the issue of posting my video links on FB or sharing them as it just shows the words ,and it makes people have to go to you tube to watch the video .I reported the issue to facebook and you tube ,of course with no response lol

Jason Moon

Blue or Green, I want one of those little monster heads


Never stop calling bullshit when you see it Jim.


I'm sure Google would like YouTube to be making more money, but I suspect a more than modest part of their deference to big companies has less to do with profit motive than fear of entities that have lawyers on permanent retainer. Alphabet (Google's parent) is a mighty big fish, and if a precedent was set that allowed them to be held liable for every copyright infringement on YouTube... Even a company with fingers in as many pies as it does can't afford to make settlements with Viacom, Activision, Disney, Comcast, EA, Nintendo, etc., etc. Someday, someone's going to have to stake out their ground, make the requisite sacrifices, and if possible force into being the long-overdue changes necessary to alter the way intellectual property is handled in the age of the Internet. But I suspect Youtube => Google => Alphabet is kneeling every night and whispering, "Dear God, please not me and not now."


I guffawed on a train while watching. 40 minutes to watch the full episode due to the trains crap wifi anyhoo onr slight thing i was under the impression the no patron links at end only applied to channels with less then 10k views total? That made a little sense as if Your not amassing 10k views how can you think about things like patron? Surely need to find a fanbase first? Correct me if I am wrong on the patreon 10k thing but it stops people basically runing before you can walk? Consistant and regular content should be a must before asking people to donate to You? And 10k views is a small indication of That?....

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

They didn't say anything about "don't be lazy." Automating 90% of their moderation is a GREAT cost-saving measure for a multi-billion dollar international megacorp.


BUT lets look on the bright side - the birth of the Himmler Scrot....that was so fuckin far out of left field I actually had to rewatch it AHAHA BRILLANT hope *he* makes a return from now on!!