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Duke Amiel Du H'ardcore has arrived.

These are real comments, written by real people, whose "elite gaming wisdoms" are read aloud by an 18th Century aristocrat.


Real PC RPGs Are For Nerds (Commentocracy)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/Jimquisition-merch Duke Amiel Du H'ardcore has arrived. These are real comments, written by real people, whose "elite gaming wisdom" are read aloud by an 18th Century aristocrat.



Brilliant. Just brilliant. I need so much more of Sir Hardcore. Easily my favorite bit.


Everytime the Duke shows up, I have to bump up my patreon contribution.


Semantics, a true RPG gives you alot of choices but I think Jrpgs let you live in the a set role versus the wrpg thing of make your own with optional optional story options and depth. Frankly any basic Jrpg is an RPG to me, Bioshock has RPG elements in it. A deep RPG is going to bury you in choices and options but we don't get many of those anymore. Hell the way most Bioware games have been post kotor they are not even proper Wrpgs they are more like your run of the mill Jrpg.... And the video is great, also try and mind the audio level of music and stuff, every now and then its crazy high volume, if you layered it all in an editor you can easily adjust the louder clips. Be well man hope your back is sorted out!


My fave of Jim's characters! Really excited to see it becoming a weekly show 😍

Björn Hansson

Absolutely grand! For some reason makes me think of the movie Plunkett & Macleane. "No, the new world is too far. Too big. Too primitive. No, no, my place is here... corrupting the young." Should probably be paraphrased to "corrupting the noobs", in this case.


F@c% whatever room you were doing green screen in needs some serious sound treatment, that was like nails on a chalkboard to my audio engineer's ears. Pro Tip: SPL DeVerb, try it out.


This is hilarious

Michael Russell

I understand the need for this type of ridicule and I support this level of ridicule. That said, I loathe this character with a fiery purple passion and hope to see very little of him.

Russell Garrett

This didn’t do much for me - sorry to say. I get what you’re trying to do & the first 30 seconds or so bought a smile to my face, but I felt like it lost it’s impact pretty quickly. But hey, if most of the audience like it then power to you & them. You’ll have my patronage no matter what.


Stand back. This is how the big boys do battle. ;)

Carla Hoffman

You're doing honorable work, Your Grace.


That title makes me already love this show!


Beautiful work Jim. I agree about the sound though.

Philipp Roensch

Finally the idiocy of comment sections has a voice! A screeching, all too obnoxious and privileged voice, but yes, I welcome this divine ridicule of bottom-feeders!


i think the echoey screech was perfect XD it really sold the bit for me. high quality audio and video for high quality comments


welp, there goes another dollar to the jim-opoly. bag a peasant for me, sir!


That was glorious.

Trevor Bond

The moment I first saw this character, I thought: This is how Jim gets ALL the ham on stage. And I would LOVE to see more. Heck it almost sounds like exactly the tones the comment was written in! Loved it!




Fucking hilarious. More please.


I loved every moment of this video.


Jim, if you are ever in the twin cities area look me up I feel I should buy you a beer or 5...for putting up the gamers fight... I THANK the gods....for you..

J. McDermott

That was effin' magnificent.


I'm excited to see where you go with this, Jim. I'm hoping you're actually having as much fun as it looks like you are, as this is bloody fantastic!


This... is LITERALLY the BEST thing EVER.