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Tmartn and ProSyndicate were believed to have done naughty things, but they've been scientifically proven innocent thanks to FTC findings.

That IS how it works.

Oh, and just before we were ready to wrap, PewDiePie went ahead and did something shit. Again.


The Good Boys Of YouTube (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/Jimquisition-merch Tmartn and ProSyndicate were believed to have done naughty things, but they've been scientifically proven innocent thanks to FTC findings. That IS how it works. Oh, and just before we were ready to wrap, PewDiePie went ahead and did something shit. Again.



Felix is a good boy


For anyone at work who need to convert it to mp3: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Odoe1qVkcJ4." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/embed/Odoe1qVkcJ4.</a>


I just wanted to try the link and I am receiving an error. Not sure why.


I was on Felix's side with his holocaust jokes, it was just poor taste comedy, but this was too far. Indefensible and shows his true nature behind the persona.


Keep in mind that english is not his first language which means that there's a different emotional value attached to words. N-word is often used in tv or movies so there's a certain aura of "coolness". I wouldn't say the n-word but when it is said out loud it means almost nothing to me just because english is not my first language. Also, redneck is also a racial slur...

Trevor Bond

I just plain don't like Pewdiepie. I never have, I find him grating. As for the other two, seriously, I have a background in addictions counseling. Gambling is one of the worst addictions out there. I would love to see them metaphorically hang for their BS. All of them really...... and let's face it folks, Pewdiepie hangs around enough english folks and consumes enough english media that he KNOWS that he can't say certain things. I mean, didn't he work with Disney for a while? They had to have gone over 'the list' with him.


Maybe he knows it, maybe he wants to see the world burn. I wouldn't call him a racist though. I'm pretty sure that he had said worst things in his native language and nobody cared.


I would agree with you in most cases but the guy has been "living" in English for more than 8 years now. If he still lived in Sweden and didn't interact in English outside of YT, you could make that argument. I immigrated from Poland when I was 16. For the first few years I didn't have the "feel" for things like swear words. That changes with time and ,12 years later, I just know which words should not be used in a public setting... So, in my opinion, Pewdiepie is either ignorant or mentally challenged if he still doesn't get these things.. :P


Outstanding work, Jim. These video essays are always a beacon in the fog hyperbolic rhetoric towards rational thought. I was having a good laugh with the extrodinarily subtle interweaving of sarcasm into your essay. Then I began to wonder why you had to add the sarcasm, hoping that it wasn't beacuse there were that many supporters of these two immoral conartists. I try not to get too involved in these debacles as it tends to draw me into ridiculous arguments that feel more like punging back into the infinity hole. So, it saddens me to not be suprised that there're people that still support these scammers or if they themselves continue to stand by their blatantly exploitative behaviour (doubly-so due to the majority of their audience being minors). Thank you again, Jim, for not letting this shite go. As for Pewdiepie; I'm not a fan of his work. It's not something I enjoy as it feels too immature and obnoxious. That being said, it does disturb me to think that he could be the one that's pulled before the courts to represent YouTube personalities to define the legal precedant for Let's Plays. I don't know if he has the emotional maturity to carry a watershed decision that will define the existence of this form of entertainment that I've grown to love. I honestly would've loved that you be the Undertale cannon face of YouTube content creators and Digi-hom being the drooling face of the industry. It could have rendered a vertidict for content creators that could've addressed many problems. You have that strength and emotional maturity to strike at thte heart of the matter and stand up for the principle of the issue rather than just exonerating yourself. ...instead...it could be arsehats like Piediepie. ...Hopefully he has the money to secure a good legal team and the sense to shush-up and let them save the industry from dolts like him when that day comes.


The word wankmonger always makes me giggle like I am 12 years old again. And the way you throw it in casually makes it even funnier. Your fault I could not listen up to minute 3 because I was just giggling.


You americans and your recreational outrage can be so fucking annoying. There are so many racial slurs out there but about none of them are people making so much fuss about then the n-word. You people are white guilt tripped out of your fucking minds. Best thing is that the black community is using the n-word all the time. There are people in this video that are actually teaching children gambling and you put them in the same bag as a dude who blurted out a bad no no word. You are hitting levels of retardnes not yet seen. What's next? A list of pedophiles but you manage to put somehow Markipliers name there. Seriously fuck you.


Racism and racial inequality are still significant problems in the US, so there's quite a bit of sensitivity. Also, considering anti-semitic slurs in parts of Europe can get you arrested, the US seems fairly relaxed in regulating its culture (not necessarily a good thing in my eyes).


I think pewdiepie should man up and fix his vocabulary. But I know I have friends that routinely use slurs and off color language, and it rubbed off on me, so I noticed it and paid attention to fix it. Pewds did a dumb dumb, but outright saying "slip-ups reveal who you are" is stupid in my opinion. Also is it just me that's really mad at the gamedev doing DMCA takedowns due to not liking a guy? That's straight up DigiHom stuff there, and childish. Two wrongs does not make right,


I'll preface this by saying most of what you say about Felix is pretty much spot on in terms of the optics for the community and how it's a huge fuck up in general. HOWEVER... Just so I'm clear, in your opinion, using the word "nigger" as an insult (unintentionally, mind you) in an a-racial context is TOTALLY NOT OKAY EVER. However, using "cunt" as an insult? No problem whatsoever! What is the difference, logically speaking? Really hypocritical Jim, but I've come to expect that from you on these kinds of issues. On the whole though, thank GOD for Jim Sterling.