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The debut of The Jimquisition's official super duper podcast is now up for your enjoyment! I am joined by Laura Kate and Miracle of Sound to discuss the latest game nonsense... and some horrible things.


Podquisition Episode 1: Morality, Ubisoft, and Arse Urine

Your old pal Jim recruits Laura Kate and Miracle of Sound to discuss moral choice systems, Ubisoft's awfulness, and the unfortunate implications of certain amiibo characters in our inaugural podcast. It's a good time for your face so stuff it in your ears right now! You can download the episode here.



Awesome stuff... though I can't see a download link on the soundcloud page. Any chance of that or an RSS feed? Looking forward to getting into this.


Podquisition sounds like the shady intelligence arm of the Poddington Peas.


If this all goes south, I think I'll pitch that to the BBC as a dark and gritty remake.


I had to manually permit direct downloads. I have fixed this thing, and you can now nab it direct!


Mr.Sterling, do you plan to use Apple Podcast too?


I usually don't listen to podcasts, i'll probably change that in the future since that one managed to be quite entertaining and informative.


A very entertaining Podcast also I heard Ubisoft have hired Imminent Uprising to make The Crew.


Good to see your work really taking off on your new project.


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Another informative and entertaining podcast is this one (no not a advert, it really is great) <a href="http://crateandcrowbar.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://crateandcrowbar.com/</a> I love podcasts, just trying help. Anyways I agree! Another great Podcast from the mind of Jim! Thank god for him!


Can you add the relevant metadata to the track - such as Title and Artist, so it doesn't just show up in my music player with the filename? Particularly, set the iTunes Remember Playback Position flag, so I don't have to find my position in the podcast when returning to it. You also might want to think about putting an extra digit of padding on the filename, in case you end up doing more than 99 of these.


Thank you for lifting the lid on Knickergate.


You had me at 'arse urine.' Nicely done, sir! I can't wait to get busy in the new Dragon Age, as soon as EA/Bioware feels like getting off its arse and fixes whatever bug it is that keeps giving me DirectX errors.


I enjoyed the new podcast! I think the dynamic between you three will only get exponentially better. You all have a wonderful sense of humour.


Realy liked the format you realy suit a lets have a chat about video games and stuff


Interesting that there are a lot of folks asking for Conrad and Holmes to be cast members already. That tradition is being carried by the Dismal Jesters. I think Jim should stick with this crew and see what develops. To be honest I found the Arse Urine stuff seemed a bit forced this time, but I think a natural character will develop pretty quickly.


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Nice that spambots are contributing to your account, I suppose...


I don't know how people think these spam bots give good advertisement. I see the freelancer one all the time, I use freelancer and it actually has helped get me some jobs but the spam bots make it look like a scam site and if your not aggressive with trying to find freelance work its not for you. Anyways I'm rambling as its 3am my 2 sense on spambots.


Oh also great podcast, oh would you be interested in reviewing my game when I finally get around releasing it to the public? Having you tear it to bits would be awesome as I'm a big fan.


Didn't realise that the soundcloud mobile app doesn't let you download anything, which makes it effectively useless for me.