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Check out what I think of Nintendo's latest entry in the turtle-on-fox violence simulator series!


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Review - MewTwo Many Cooks

Smash is back, and it's more MewTwo than ever! Nintendo can never be accused of doing things the orthodox way. Releasing near-identical versions of Super Smash Bros. for both Nintendo 3DS and Wii U is interesting enough, but naming them Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros.



Jim Fucking Sterling! You too have fallen prey to the addiction that is Smash Bros.


Great Review, but is there MewTwo in it?! To say something more serious: I think the Idea behind releasing the 3DS version earlier is to make People want the WiiU version. As some sort of Marketing tool, it makes people talk about smash and play smash long before it evens comes out. Which sounds weird and unlogical as I read it. But I hope somebody understands me ^^


I agree it creates a buzz to the game while providing a solid title for the handheld platform. But as a fighting game geek, I could never imagine playing fighting games in a handheld platform.... I press too much buttons to ever feel comfortable playing the 3ds version.


Jim, I have an important life-altering question for you: How does one Mewtwo?


Would you consider this a system seller considering it is already available on the 3DS?


I've been on the fence this next gen as to which console shall have the privilege of adorning my shelf. But with some the titles now coming up on the Wii U, it's starting to appeal to me more.


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I am not a big fan of the idea of "system sellers" to begin with, since I believe in libraries, not individual games, measuring a console's worth. That said, Smash Wii U is certainly a *part* of a solid library.


I'm glad Nintendo is producing solid games, this time last year was pretty doom and gloom for Wii U.