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The Jimquisition's first review is now live! Unfortunately it couldn't be particularly positive, but I think it's at least decently written. The site's still very "Wordpressy," as a few folk have pointed out. Evolutions will be had. I tell you what though, I'm utterly delighted to have reviews all on one page again!


Escape Dead Island Review - Starting To Banoi Me

Dead Island 's latest spin-off is, sadly, as unfulfilling as the last ones. At least it makes me yearn to play the original again. Developer: Fat Shark Publisher: Deep Silver Format: PC (reviewed), PS3, Xbox 360 Released: November 18, 2014 Copy supplied by publisher I must confess a fair amount of fondness for Dead Island, Techland's admittedly messy foray into tropical zombie mayhem.



Nice! Only played the first Dead Island game and, unusually for me, couldn't get past its jank. It had heart though.


Just as I thought. Well, screw it. I'm waiting for an awesomeness simply know as "Dead Island 2: Doesn't really make sense, because we're not on the island anymore."


I don't mind the look of the site! It's simple and clean. Sure it's a bit basic but as long as I can read it and the colors look good together I'm happy. :) The one suggestion I would make is maybe breaking up the paragraphs a little bit more? Just because when they're long, it makes multi-tasking a bit more difficult. The review is spot-on, as usual. I'm almost confused how Dead Island can keep making more remakes, there must be a following out there somewhere I guess. Good luck with everything and have a wonderful day!


Wow! Glad to see this hit my inbox a few minutes ago. Keep up the reviews Jim! As far as the game goes, I was excited until I heard this was being made by Fatshark... and well, yeah I didn't expect your review to be pretty.


Spammers on Patreon? Whaaa


It's a shame this game isn't that good, I've loved this style of aesthetic since I played XIII years ago. To bad the developers or publishers don't seem to have put much faith into their own creation.


Oh man, I thought this would've been an excellent chance to do away with review scores. Could've just had the bolded 'Mediocre' there at the end, and not give anyone any implications of pseudo-objectivity with a score.


Oh man, the pun title almost made me want to give you more money. Almost.


On the other hand, if he doesn't take it that much seriously, he can use the review scores to make some jokes sometimes.


Any chance that we'll see some of your reviews in video format, kinda like what you did with Alien Isolation back on The Escapist?


What's wrong with wordpressy? I like wordpressy.


Stop wordpressing us and take your pro-wordpressian rhetoric somewhere else! JKILYKKTTYL.


@Kyle he's mentioned here and there in his Squirty Plays (check them out if you haven't, they're great) that he doesn't really like doing video reviews and prefers written ones, so I wouldn't expect many, if any. I honestly prefer written reviews myself, so I'm cool with that, but I thought I'd offer you at least a best guess :)