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Take-Two Interactive sent a cease-and-desist letter to popular modding tool Open IV.

With reasons spurious and methods nasty, the jealous protectorate of GTA Online has overreached in its decision to attack mods.


Mod Theft Auto (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch Take-Two Interactive sent a cease-and-desist letter to popular modding tool Open IV. With reasons spurious and methods nasty, the jealous protectorate of GTA Online has overreached in its decision to attack mods.



I think it's simpler than your video makes it seem. I think they are looking at monetizing mods again and execs have a stupid gene that says if you put the word "Open" in front of something you're open sourcing their product.


You would be surprised how often boards take legal action based on product names.


I think this means they're trying to set a precedent for RD2. The singleplayer is probably going to have microtransactions that modding would cut into. F*** them and RD2 if that's the case. Actually, f*** them anyway.

Joshua Case

FucKonami! And Take Two for that matter, how can companies still be so anti-consumer, and be so against good interactions with the community?! We've really been seeing how well it affects companies to do so. One such example is Games Workshop. Their recent change in community interaction has made them infinitely more popular with their current fanbase. Why can't they all learn....


Jim, Jim. You should have seen this coming. After the bethesda inform creator's club... what makes you think the CEO that said "woods to chop" aren't going to do anything about it? Pay to Mod. A new business model . Well... it is not suprised that companies treat customer like shit and people still buy thier shit. I mean Fuckonami is still making games and people are still going to buy the new Metal Gear. I am same age as you are and so far the only companies I have seen gone belly up are companies that respect customers such as Westwood and etc.