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Laura got a prerelease copy so kindly wrote us a review. 


Arms Review - Arm's Length

Arms is a really strange game to try and write about because it's disparate parts vary so wildly in quality. It has the core of an incredibly solid and accessible 3D fighting game, but is surrounded by missed opportunities and poorly executed aspects. There's an amazing game inside Arms, found underneath countless confusing design decisions.


Quintin Stubbs

I'm at the point where I just want anything on switch...

Marcos C.

That's a bad place to be...


That how Nintendo wants you to feel. They give you just enough to keep you coming back and always begging for more.


Uh, the "starving artist " game? Believe it or not , "just some abstract shit" actually is a lot harder, and takes much longer than you think. In fact I paint d that thumbnail to the left and sold it last year. I've sold every year actually since my first show. Fucking hell throw us a none . www.68thstreetart.com