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Few things piss off your humble Jim Sterling more than executive speak.

Well, a lot of things do, but executive speak is fucking insulting anyway.

Let's see how Take-Two believes it isn't coming up with enough ways to get money out of your ass.


Take-Two Isn't Making Enough Money From You (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch Few things piss off your humble Jim Sterling more than executive speak. Well, a lot of things do, but executive speak is fucking insulting anyway.


Nicolas Braun

I for one like the new song, but the lectern scenes are a bit dark for my taste. I like the new background, but the darker tone makes the scene a bit harder to read. Might just be me though. :-)


Hmmm...I honestly feel the CEO was surprisingly enlightened. Maybe it's lowered expectations but he actually understood that sometimes bad business models erode player enjoyment without the player even noticing. Hell, the entire Xbox One is drowning in broken business models that are insidiously sapping the enjoyment out of Microsofts greatest games. Whether it's the micro transactions in Gears 4, or the micro transactions in literally anything Microsoft looks at, M$ is killing itself slowly and oblivious to its shrinking market share. Sure this guy speaks of gamers like cattle, but maybe, if we want more respect we should stop acting like cattle, and at least for one second hesitate before rushing into get slaughtered.😂


So Jim I'm just curious if you feel micro transactions are a bad thing what model or approach should a developer take then to continue support / content for games months after the fact? Should it just be rolled into one lump sum when you buy the game initially? Subscription based? I feel GTA V has offered a lot of additional content since launch that was covered under the initial sales cost. But they do have reoccurring expenses in maintaining the infrastructure and addition of content. I guess a good example would be, should we just pay one lump sum to patreon and expect all your future content free indefinitely?


They could just release the updates for free. The renewed attention can lead to additional sales of the base game. That strategy has worked very well for indie games (see Terraria, Starbound, Necrodancer) and even some games with a larger degree of AAAness (pronounced Triple Anus) such as the Witcher series. It's so unusual to offer a free large content update that these games usually get lots of extra coverage and word of mouth, so sales spike again.


Online, all you have is Shark Cards, as far as I know. Correct me if I'm wrong. Content-wise, most players find they've gotten more than their money's worth. This is why the game continues to be a top seller years after release. The DLC items, apartments, vehicles, etc. have increased incost, but so have the rewards for completing missions and the variety of missions.


But treating people like cattle has worked so well for GameStop. Stop preordering games and you can single handily stop the madness and save the world from things like Locust invasions. Okay maybe not but at least the game industry isn't forcing us to turn tricks on platforms like 'mixer' and 'twitch' ...... dammit! I'm still wrong. Nvm


Hi Jim. So I watched this vid and decided to back you on patron (this is the first time for me) Although I did so not because I totally agree with you . I did it because I consider you an excellent industry analytics and was hoping to be able to have a chat with you . I share your annoyance with all the fee to play practices that slowly become a standard. But I believe in constructive criticism and would love to hear your opinion on what should be an alternative

Grim Ø

DLC and Free updates are two different things. They're released differently and ultimately treated differently. The Shark Cards in the game wouldn't be so bad if the grind wasn't terrible to the point where you get fucked by pay-to-win players or simply those that have been around longer. It's a highly imbalanced experience because of it being completely pay-to-win.


Jim Fucking Sterling Son, you make me laff, so I gif you monies