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I decided to write an article about the evolution of the show and why I changed the things I changed. 


The Jimquisition Reposition

When The Jimquisition first started, it was just me, a microphone, and a plain white background. I'd toss in a little picture-in-picture for emphasis, but the stark set and unscripted rambling were not particularly impressive. It worked for its time. I cut my teeth at Destructoid, where low production value was all part of the charm.



Good luck with all of the exciting changes, and thanks for your honesty and transparency.

Grim Ø

All great stuff, Jim. I've been a fan for a few years now and watched almost all of your backlog from the Escapist channel (it should really just be called the Yahtzee channel now) and a little bit of the Destructoid stuff. All in all, I'm cool with the change. The new intro feels improved and I'm sure the new song will grow on me and it doesn't take away from how awesome your show is. Also, I guess that one guy I saw a vid of that thought you were in hot water with Kellogg's was absolutely wrong, because the very next episode a few weeks ago you brought back the Cornflake Humonculous hard and haven't slowed down. So, just glad to see that you don't have another lawsuit on your hands and that the Humonculous is here to stay. I thank God for you, Jim Fucking Sterling Son.


New background is amazing and the new intro is a good fit. I think the sound is pretty good now - much better than when you first left the Escapist. Don't know what you're tried so far but try just throwing some acoustic foam behind the camera to start. I thought the COD IW piece was spot on but sort of dated. I guess its relative in the sense there is a new title due out in Nov. so it reminds us just how shitty Activation can be. Overall still an A+ I look forward to what you have in store next.


Oh my God, I saw Jim's Big Ego perform many years ago at a small club in Massachusetts. I had no idea anyone had ever heard of them outside of the local area and I forgot all about them until I read your post. It truly is a small world.

Nagatsu Seiken

While I must admit that I rarely like change & have a hard time accepting it initially; in spite of the fact that I do miss the old opening - I gotta admit I like the direction you're going. While there is still a mild amount of trepidation in regards to your plans for the future, I am more curious than anything else at this point. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. As a side note I thoroughly enjoyed the article - not having discovered you or your work until around your first year of Jimdependece anniversary, it was interesting to hear about how you and your work evolved up to that point.


I'm not sure about the change, don't hate it, but can't bring myself to like it yet. That being said, Jim, I adore what you do! I can't thank any particular God for you, so I will thank them all. Thank the Gods, for you!


Thanks for the explanation Jim! I like the new look, but it is rather an indictment of humanity at this point that you had to do it. :( I second mykalwane's point about the hat. It's great and I think it's a cool addition, but I wish the ribbons/laces were red, not black. It doesn't come off as a corset on video, just sort of messy.

Kyle Williams

I like that you mentioned the fascist elements of the old banner. I just discovered you a couple months ago and I was hesitant about clicking on your videos because of that background in an era where we have proud, unironic nazis making YouTube videos. I'm glad I looked past it and actually watched your show. But, I could see someone like me avoiding you just as easily because of the banner. So I'm glad you recognized the issue and made a change


The warning and send off for Drill Queen was appropriate. If only we could get our beloved "remakes" to not remake the parts that aren't broken. (FF VII)


I always liked the dictator theme of the Jimquisition, and wouldn't have minded it continuing (after all, there are few people more deserving of being mocked and made fun of than dictators), but I have to say the carnival of the bizarre theme fits you like a specifically tailored velvet glove.


While I'll miss the tinpot demagogue, I totally get the change. The thought had crossed my mind some time ago that people might get bothered by the fascist imagery now that fascism is becoming a viable political platform (which is fucking terrifying by the way). Love the cane, and Jim's Big Ego is an excellent fit. Look forward to what else is to come!


The lawsuit was somebody's April Fool's joke. So far, the company's not said anything regarding CFH.


For the record, I like the new changes. I wasn't sure when I heard they were coming, but now I'm into it.




I already miss Drill Queen. That being said I don't doubt artists I like. You do what You do and I continue to support You or I don't. You've earned the benefit of the doubt. For now.

Kitty Seraphic

I already loved the song Stressed and so my reaction to the switch was mostly "yep that sounds about right", based on my knowledge of the lyrics. It takes a bit of getting used to, since you get accustomed to a certain musical thrust, but I can definitely see the appeal to the song and it's more fitting to your new aesthetic​.