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I "prey" the reaction to this review will be... sensible. 


Prey Review - Neuromoderate

System Cock. Developer: Arkane Studios Publisher: Bethesda Format: PC, PS4 (reviewed), Xbox One Released: May 5, 2017 Copy purchased Prey is almost nothing like its namesake and almost everything like System Shock, which is great if you don't mind the use of unrelated intellectual property as a delivery vehicle for an inferior System Shock successor.



"I "prey" the reaction to this review will be... sensible. " ... ohhhhh booiiii


I expected nothing less from a Nintendo fanboy. Just because they didn't release a switch version doesn't mean it's bad!11!1


I've been waiting for your review, tbh. I had a few disagreements about the reliability of the original reviews since they were released before 8 am on release day. Unless the game had a 5 hour campaign, how the hell could anyone post a reliable review of it at that point? Considering Bethesda's pretty crappy review policy, I've decided that I will be waiting for all of their games to reduce in price from now on. It's a shame, too. I like a lot of Bethesda titles (both as a developer and as a publisher). But I'm done supporting anti-consumer policies like withholding review copies to avoid bad reviews from interfering with their preorders.


Patron me? I have 0

John Osborne

While I disagree with this review immensely, I'm glad that you wrote it and have your opinion stated. To me it's less important the rating a reviewer gives, but how well a reviewer describes how and why they arrived at their opinion. This way I can parse whether these points are as important to me as they are to the reviewer.


Yeah... patron me


Off-topic: Are the Jimquisition.com comments being worked on? No sort-by-best seems like a deal breaker. What is a Member instead of a Guest?


I was a huge fan of original Prey, and System Shock, yet some how not the new Prey...odd.

Adam McKinney Souza

IDK what it is about this game. I really enjoy it, and got it on recommendation of Shamus Young, who is obsessed with it. Lots of people seem to really like it and a lot of other people really hate it. It's confusing.