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Take me home, Shady Sands! Let's talk about the Fallout TV show, the conflict between storytelling and lore, and of course... Shady Sands.


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Terra Jones

How many times have they said "War. War Never changes?" While I do not agree with Fallout's cynical assumptions about human nature, that is the conceit of the franchise. Given the assumptions the world runs on, the NCR's attempt to transform the wasteland back into pre-war America was always doomed to fail. It tracks that shady sands would be nuked. Too many people in the wasteland prefer no rules man and living in radioactive shit to go back.

Jason Youngberg

I wonder how they felt in Force Awakens when Han died. I'm going to recommend the movie "Monkey Man", I believe you'll enjoy it.

Major Ward

I think that it was more a continuity error / fuckup more than a slap in any one game's face. My issue is with Chief Executive Bullshitter Todd Howard lamely trying to pretend they were oh-so very careful with the lore and that they didn't fuck up, even though Bethesda have played fast and loose with the lore before. That and the wave of fanboys shouting down anyone who dare question God Howard's golden words. I think they could have shown Shady Sands (or what's left of it) and referenced its destruction without moving it to the Boneyard, but I'm not about to go to war over it. While watching the series I found it to be well-made but somewhat underwhelming, with only the odd good bit and the ongoing mystique around the 3 vaults keeping me motivated. However the finale blew my socks off and, like you said, really cemented Hank MacLean as the kind of bellend that Bobby Kotick can only dream of being.