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A saga continues.

Games we played this week include: 

Fallout TV series (8:55)
Horrified (29:10)
Princess Peach Showtime (36:00)
Rose and Camillia (37:50)
Balatro (43:15)


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Jaehoon Jeong

Rose and Camellia is dumb and fun lol. It's apparently a remake/remaster (whichever it is) of an old Japanese flash game and the Switch game was out in Japan only for a few months (which is what I got). The game gets very hard very quick tho. Later opponents get more health and power, and it becomes more difficult to react to them when the motion controls aren't precise enough for the game. The stories are funny but I had a rough time getting through it all. Like you say, you'll probably get most of the fun out of it by just watching the trailer. I think the local 2 player mode can be good for a silly time but maybe it costs too much just for that.

potato potato also another potato

Laura's description of Life Eater really reminds me of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, a comic by the Invader Zim creator, I loved it in high school but it's....so edgelordy in retrospect. Regardless it has a fairly similar meta-narrative about him having to kill to get blood to keep an eldritch horror that may or may not actually exist from escaping his basement.