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Hi! I hope you all are doing well. My throat is killing me (I hate this time of year, I just got over a cold), so I am a little bit behind with the latest Patreon audio, but I did record it despite the pain, I just had to push myself to do it. 

I wanted to talk to you about if you are able to access Patreon audios. I send out a Patreon Master Audio List to every new member (it's delivered automatically when you sign up), and mid-month, I message out the new link to it. The Patreon phone app doesn't allow users to click on outside links, so all links need to be opened from your email notification email or in a web browser.

Having said that, is this system working for you? I would LOVE to embed audios again in posts like I used to, but unfortunately I had to stop doing that, because my posts were getting scraped and leaked elsewhere. This is why we can't have nice things. So I had to find an alternate solution. I will take suggestions for an alternate way to deliver audios, but I'm not sure what else to do. 

I am always here to help if you need any help with anything; you're not bothering me, and I *want* to help! 



Hi Sing, sorry to hear about your health via the sore throat. Your passionate to work and create quality vocal audio art no matter what is truly admirable and greatly appreciated 😊🙏🏼✨️👑 I like the current system of how we get audios via the email of memberships we have. One thing you could do have a link to the audio via your website where you can only listen to it without a download option. Maybe it's sign you need to rest up. You put so much of your energy into things. If anyone deserves a small break; it's you. Try some warm green tea, robitussin and this Propolis Throat Spray by Beekeeper's Naturals on amazon which really helps with sore throats and immune system. Definitely take it easy on the oral parts of your audios for awhile at least 😅 Sending you good vibes Empress. You help me a lot just by being so kind and encouraging to me. I'll be on sweet royal subject tier here til i finish my comic book project. But always support you where I can. Be blessed this month!


Aw thank you, Georgio! I am glad to hear the current system works for you. I do need to rest. I started feeling worse earlier. I am hoping I will feel better when I wake up. It has spread to my sinuses and other areas, but I got a negative Covid test at least. Haha I did have blowjobs in the audio I recorded, and even though it was improv, I had to include those scenes because the audio needs them for sure. It was difficult to perform them! I always appreciate your support so much, thank you. I hope everything is going well with the comic book! I hope you have a wonderful, successful month!


Sorry to hear about the way you are feeling. I hope you feel better Sing! Please don't ever feel like you have to rush to make Audios for us. We Want you to get better and just rest as much as you need. Even if you stopped making Audios, I would still continue to support your patreon. We love you sing!


Aw thank you so much, Vince!! I have been doing my best to rest, and not stress about finishing the audio. It started with my throat, but then spread everywhere. I think I am starting to feel better, I hope anyway. Last night seems to have been good for me (good quality sleep, I think?). Aw I appreciate your support so much <3