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If you're brand new to my work, you're in luck, because I have A LOT of it, so there's lots to listen to. Tons of audios here on my Patreon, over 60 audios on Gumroad that aren't here, and lots more! This is the list of all my work 

If you've been listening for a while, I'm so glad you've stuck around! I know there are people who have been listening since I started in 2019, which is so cool!



Middle of 2022! That's when I discovered erotic audios. A whole world opened for me lol


I think about a year and a half. The first audio of yours that I listened to was the one with the birthday clown


Oooh that one was a fun one! It's silly and deranged. Kind of the epitome of me, so that's awesome that it got you into my work!

Benson E Wolf

Ever since years ago you decided to do the first of my Goth Orchid scripts and I was like "Whoa..."