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Everyone has been messaged a link to the audio, so please check your messages! New patrons can find the link in the Patreon Master Audio List; there's a link for it in your welcome email. If you need a link to the Patreon Master Audio list, please message me (I don't bite and I'm super friendly!) Please click on the link outside of the Patreon app, since it isn't allowing outside links.

Part 1 can be found in the Patreon Master Audio List.

Seraphim has just escaped from Alpha Omega. She has no way to get home, so she walks along a country road until she finds a way to hitch a ride from someone, unbeknownst to him. She was a pure virgin when our tale began, and now she she's hungry for cock, and she doesn't know why, but she's thrilled to get it from anyone. Sera learns the full extent of her new powers, and it's not what she hoped for. Once again, she meets her enemy, but this time, she's hornier than ever while in his evil clutches.



Sing you was certainly in your element with part 2 of this Seraphim Escape from Alpha Omega. This was even more immersive than part 1. The car ride and scene of a crime felt so surreal like I was there with her. Its funny how the very same thing that gives her powers is the one thing she hates she can't live without which is Omega cock/cum. Also the sex and throat fucking sounds was very primal. You didn't hold back and I really appreciate your effort and passion here. It certainly got me hot haha 😄 Anyways job well done my favorite 🏆 Have a great day!


Well done!! My favorite part is when Seraphim gets another dose of the Alpha Cock Amplifier. Wow! Is it me, or is she getting sluttier each time she gets hit by the ACA? Please tell me that there's a part 3 where we can find out just how depraved Sera can get...


Aw thank you so much, Georgio!! I agree, the settings allowed for more immersion, and while that takes more time to create, it's extremely creatively satisfying! I have a lot of fun doing it. I'm glad it was so immersive for you! Yes, it's like a curse how the powers work! Maybe that superhero cum will work out... Nope, I did not hold back! Haha I got so loud during this audio that a couple parts weren't even usable in the final work. Oops. Aw thanks, I hope you have a great day too!!


Aw thank you so much, Lambert!! Oh yes, the ACA makes her so primal, and I agree, she's getting sluttier. No more celibate virgin angel! There will definitely be a Part 3! Hmm will Sera go back to how she was before and become a celibate superheroine again? Hahahah not likely.