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50/50. I like horror/creepy atmospheres and storys, but jumpscares stress me out. I'm the guy who'll listen to a youtube video explain a horror movie plot rather than watch the movie.


For me, there are two kinds of horror/scary movies. There's the "organic" ones - blood, guts, innards spewing, limbs detaching, etc. - and then there's the "mindfuck" ones - who can you trust, when will they strike, having no control or nowhere to run. Organic movies, no problem. Mindfuck movies if done right will scare the bejesus out of me. Alien fit in the first category for me. Invasion of the Body Snatchers was in the second category.


Scared easily only like watching horror movies in a group


Very true that there are two different kinds. I love a good mind fuck, even more than the traditional type of horror movie!


Aw!! I totally get that. I remember watching the first season of American Horror Story by myself, and that messed me up. I couldn't be in the dark by myself for a long time... especially in the bathroom at night.