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My kids are no longer in camp, so I have been quite busy. Unfortunately, I also started feeling sick the night before last (that's why I sound like hell in the benefit audios I sent to the $20+ tiers today), so I have not been able to do the audio yet for September 1st. The one for August 28th is complete and will post on that day. I will post two Patreon audios the week of the third, so the one for the 1st will be posted then. I'll be away from my computer for over a week starting tomorrow. Another reason why I really can't push myself to work when I'm feeling terrible, since I need to travel. I am going to do my best to relax and recover before I need to leave, because otherwise, I know I'll just get worse. Sorry for the slight delay! 



I see no reason to push yourself if you aren't feeling well, take care of yourself first


It's a hard lesson to learn, but the stress of trying to work and push myself always makes me feel worse on top of being sick. I still need to work on that. Thank you for your understanding!


I agree with Robert! Rest up and get well so you aren't miserable when you travel. We'll still be here when you get back!


I am going to try my best! The last thing I want to be is sick while on vacation. I appreciate your understanding!