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We all rely on our Smart devices. With the prominence of Artificial Intelligence, it's been added to devices everywhere, and today mine started caring A LOT about my sexual health. I listened to its suggestions, and wow, what a day I have had...



Sing this audio is proof that you don't miss. You always bringing the quality entertainment. I love the new sound effects like the shower and the public along with the Rhianna background music. That wouldn't be possible to include on any other platform Alexis is one sassy, perverted voice assistant. She got her in all kinds of mess. Public masterbation on a bus is something hot. That sounded like it actually was real. I like that one of the guys aroused by her was named George and it sounds almost similar to my name which is Georgio lol 😆 So i guess part of that is true. You outdid yourself on the blowjob and throat fucking. The longest i heard you do it. You went all in so much even I got excited. It would be impossible to last with that kinda sexual power she said. All in all, outstanding work Empress. I hope you are doing well and that you stay cool out there. Have a great day!🎖🎖


Wow! After listening to this audio, I can't wait for our AI masters to take over the world...


Aw thank you so much, Georgio!! That's so sweet of you to say, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Whoohoo, I love SFX comments, thanks! And yeah, I can't get away with the copy-written stuff anywhere else, so I love doing it when I can. When I first started going to a gym, that Rhianna song was always playing, so I had to incorporate it! Alexis is very perverted and depraved, so I love her, naturally! Yep, she got her into a mess, but she's also good at getting her out of messes too, so I guess it's OK. Haha I didn't even think about that, but true. I don't use names very often and it makes me nervous, so I'm glad it worked out OK this time. I realized I haven't done facefucking in a bit, so it was much needed in this audio. And thanks! I am doing pretty well and thank you! I hope you have a great day too!


Aw thank you so much, Lambert!! Haha I don't think I'm ready for that though, because they want to take over my job!


That was some next level SFX!! The public masterbation to start was so hot and just kept building from there!! Where can I get an upgrade like that for my phone? That was a truly awesome day!! Thanks!!


Aw thank you so much, Shad!! Yay, I'm so glad you liked the SFX! I agree about the public masturbation, and how the action kept escalating. Haha I think this might be the Beta version, but it should be out soon.


Oh in that case I hope it doesn't happen. I think I'm going to be playing this one over and over.


I definitely going to suggest a part 2 if this.


YAY, I am so glad you enjoyed it! There are two more parts planned already. Part 2 will be out in July!