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This fun idea was submitted by montelphifer, and it received the most votes last month!

You're supposed to meet your friend in the library, so you can study for an exam, but all of a sudden you are able to hear the thoughts of everyone around you. Instead of cancelling your plans, you have your friend come to your place where it's quiet. You're a bit shocked when you hear all about what she wants to do with you... without her even moving her lips. 



Wow you took my somebody idea into something really sweet God damn just turned out better than anything I could think of.


Aw thank you so much, Montel!! I'm really glad I could do the idea justice and that you enjoyed the audio!


I think you did a much better job changing the concept than what I originally had in mind. However, I may write a different version of this myself. It's not because I dislike the audio—trust me, I love it. It's just that it's sweeter and more wholesome than I was expecting. This idea has been in my head for a while, and now I feel the need to finally write it. Listening to this audio has given me different perspectives on what can be done with it. It has enriched my idea and moved beyond simply portraying the dirty aspects of a person's private life. So, thank you very much for giving me a new perspective on how to approach this concept.


I was debating the relationship aspect, but it felt right for this particular story, but part of me didn't want them to become a couple, so I understand! If I didn't do the relationship angle, it definitely wouldn't have been as sweet or wholesome. There really are a lot of directions the idea can go for sure! I'm glad that it inspired and motivated you to write your own version! And thanks for the lovely praise!


Ok take a shot after how many times you say fuck in this audio haha 😆 Sing you totally outdid yourself here. The guy in this story reminds me of professor Xavier who can read thoughts and hearing your character thoughts reminds me of what dragon ball z characters do in the show. If only we could read people thoughts; it would make dating and getting a relationships so much easier. The choking and hand over the mouth part was so fucking hot 💥 This one definitely can make someone get really horny. You and Montelphifer crafted a masterpiece here. I wish you a great rest of the week!🎖️🎖️


Aw thank you so much, Georgio!! Haha! Yes, I did say fuck a lot; I think I usually do in audios haha. Yep, it would make dating/relationships easier in some ways, but I can see it presenting new issues too (seeing who that person is also attracted to, seeing the white lies that were told out of kindness, etc). Ooh yay, I'm so glad you liked those elements! Aw thanks, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week too!


Mind reading is so fucking hot!! I would like to hear someone's thoughts on a limited basis. You really do say fuck a lot and it's perfect!! That was lots of fun!! Thanks!


Aw thank you so much, Shad!! That would be awesome to be able to do,but I do worry about what I would hear. Fuck, I do say fuck a lot!