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"Reading your friend's mind and finding out that she has very slutty thoughts," which was submitted by MontelPhifer!



Ohh wow, my two audio ideas was so close to winning haha 😄 Good thing I wrote them down so I can resubmit them next month. This winning audio idea will certainly be intriguing to hear that's for sure. Maybe you can even add some 3rd person aspects to it. Have a blessed day Sing 👑🌻


The idea came from some audio recordings in which you can hear what's going on inside the other characters' heads. In most of these recordings, the character they were talking to couldn't hear the voice actor's thoughts, but we, as outside listeners, could. I thought it was a fun idea because when you read somebody's mind, you get the unfiltered version of themselves. For example, your shy best friend could actually be Total slut, the domineering bully at school could be a submissive partner in private, and the big bad guy could be a sweet, wholesome vanilla person inside their head. And they never have to break character


Ooh this is gonna be fun.


Wow no wonder your idea won. Great creative thinking! Here ya go 🫡🎖


Yep, resubmit! The winning idea will definitely be a fun one. It will be a little difficult, because it's from the listener's perspective, but that was just like the sorority audios I did, so I can do it! Thank you, Georgio! I hope you have a great day too!


Yep, I have done many of those audios! I'm a pro at this point, and I like that the listener can now hear those dirty thoughts! Muhahaha