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This fun patron-submitted idea got the most votes in November!

After helping out a friend who was in a life or death situation, you didn't have time to write your term paper, and your professor won't give you an extension. You find the perfect way to get a little revenge. She took something away from you (a quarter of your grade), now you're going to give her a little something and take that away. 



I was wondering the whole time where the revenge was. Very nicely played.


Aw thank you, Ryan!! He's like a drug dealer giving her a free taste and cutting her off after that haha.


Wow!! That was worth the wait!! Really great story telling and revenge!! Excellent SFX as always!! Thanks!


Aw thank you, Shad!! Yay, I am glad it was worth the wait! I am so glad you enjoyed it!


Fantastic job hope your voice has fully recovered. For the listeners point of view I would have took that A, college is expensive as hell so you have your revenge but you know also take that A.


Aw thank you, Montel!! My voice has recovered about 95%, but it's enough to record! I am so relieved I finally can; it was terrible not being able to. Haha I understand wanting to take the A, but I think the revenge is stronger by taking a C in the class.