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I have felt terrible about not being able to release anything new lately. I hope you enjoy this fun story. The editing isn't the greatest, but it shouldn't really be an issue. 



Sing thank you for sharing this very creative story but you really shouldn't feel sorry for something that's out of your control such as getting sick. I much rather wait til you feel 100% to get some fun new audios. I think most of your amazing supporters understand why you can't give us that right now. You given us so much already this year. Taking some time off to rest does you much good. You can comeback with even better audio art next year. I think this audio sounded great for something that was recorded in 2020. Used book store suspense stories is a great gift to hear. Anyways, cheers to a blessed, healthy, abundantly successful upcoming new year for you ✨️ 🍵


Aw thank you so much, Georgio! I am glad you enjoyed it! Everyone has been awesome about everything going on, and I am so thankful for that. I keep trying to relax about it, but I can't help feeling bad about it. I have a lot of great audios planned, and I can't wait to record again and share them. I do think that a break is good regardless though, because it has made me miss creating so much, and I can't wait to put out something kickass, so I think it will improve my work. I hope you also have a wonderful and extremely successful new year!

Troy Young

Damn, I have to say I was riveted by your story. Any chance of another part?


Aw thank you so much, Troy! That's awesome to hear and you made my day! I hadn't considered a second part, but if I think of a way to continue it, I will!