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UPDATE 12/8: I have half of it edited. I went with a more scripted audio that I was going to post on the 15th, since my concentration sucks right now, and that would be easiest. I want to have it done this weekend. Every audio after this should be on time. I will post the teacher/student audio on the 15th. 

There is going to be a slight delay with today's audio. I am hoping I can post it tomorrow. 

24 hours ago, my elderly mom broke her hip. The hospital is slammed and has no beds, so she has been in a hallway this whole time, and the only way she can get any care is by screaming for help. I live in another state, and I feel helpless. I haven't been able to quiet my mind in order to work. I just keep pacing and laying in bed. 

I'm sorry. I am going to get you an audio as soon as I can. I do have a GWA audio that I completed on Monday, which I will be posting on Friday, so there is that. 



I'm sorry to hear the bad news! I hope she is able to get into the hospital very soon. I hope that brings you some peace as well. *sending positive vibes to you*


Awe I'm sorry and heartbroken about what happened to your Mom Sing. Please don't worry about posting a audio. Focus on your Mom and being the emotional strength and support she needs at this time. You know we understand, support you and we'll be here when you return. I'll be praying for your Mom and I send you lots of love, light, strength, and comfort ok! 👑❤️


I’m sorry to hear that. I hope she is able to get the help she needs. Take all the time you need. I wouldn’t be able to think clearly either in that situation.


I’m so sorry that’s happened Wishing you and your mom the absolute best.


Thank you, Shad! She's now been transferred and is in a hospital room, and it is making me feel better.


Thank you, Georgio! She's getting much better care now I think, since she is in a room at another hospital. I'm doing better today.


Thank you, Doc! She is getting a lot more help now, because she has been transferred to another hospital, so I am doing a bit better.


Thank you, Emmanuel! I think she's doing better now that she has been transferred and is in a hospital room. It happened late last night.