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This fantastic audio idea was submitted by a patron last month, and it got the most votes!

You're horny and driving home from work when you spot a woman who's dressed like she's looking for a good time. She refuses a ride from you, and you follow her to the strip club where she works. She once again rejects you, and you won't let that happen a third time. On her way back from work, you ambush her in an alley and hypnotize her, so that she will be your sex slave. Her demeanor instantly changes, and she happily goes home with you. However, there's something that she is hiding from you. 



Sing this is definitely a story that should be on the lifetime movie network. Yes the parts about how she got ambushed and "willing" went along with what the guy wanted (whose clearly a 911 call waiting to happen) lol is not something I would normally listen to when I wanna hear porn. But I do think this audio had some good points. Her being oblivious to everything that was going on had me like "really girl" lol 😆 I do like that things was getting better for her. Her parents are definitely the blame. Lastly I love that we got some 69 action in this one! I love the 80s rock club music. I giggled so hard when I heard the Nelly "It's hot in here" song. You definitely couldn't get away with that on any of the social platforms like YouTube 😄 So all in all, you did great on telling the story. One thing is for sure; you always live up to the darkz superb audio skills you possess 🎖


Aw thank you so much, Georgio!! Haha I almost did make a Lifetime reference in the audio. I understand, but I am glad that there were things you liked about it! If she hadn't come along, he would definitely be a 911 call waiting to happen! She is oblivious, and I can relate haha. I have gotten myself into trouble because of it. Like her not realizing who offered her the ride. Her parents were awful, and this is all their fault, but at least things got better for her (her perspective anyway haha). Yessss! I do so little 69 in audios, and it was perfect for this one. It was fun picking out the music


I hate how Patreon is on my phone! It's so hard to write comments. The third song is Girls Girls Girls. Yeah, I could only get away with using Nelly and probably all the music and Clueless on here! I am glad you enjoyed the storytelling! Aww thanks!


You're welcome Sing! I always appreciate the extra effort you put into your audios to make em great cuz not many do that. There's definitely no half assing here haha 😄 I think using the website version of patreon might help. But I do thank you for the extra comment. I wish you a lovely upcoming weekend!


That's definitely a unique love story!! The strip club scene was hilarious with how naive she was! I really enjoyed the realism of their relationship once daily life started. Great SFX!!


Aw thanks! I definitely don't half-ass my work. I worked on this one for three days, and that includes one full day until I went to bed. I really enjoyed doing the SFX for this one. Thanks, Georgio! I hope you have a wonderful weekend too!


Aw thank you so much, Shad!! Yeah, a love story like this doesn't happen often (I hope haha). She got a crash-course about her new job on the first day for sure. That is great to hear, because I wanted their relationship to bloom organically and seem realistic! Thank you!!


Love this one. I had to pause my sub for a couple months and this was such a wonderfull audio to come back to.