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You've noticed me at the skatepark during the last month, but while I do bring a skateboard with me, I never skate. You realize I have a huge crush on you, and while it could creep others out, you're pretty flattered, so you come to my house. And you'll never leave...

You really underestimated the magnitude of my crush.



Yeah Sing I'm having a great day. I made back home from New Orleans. I got me some new shoes which are Vans which are actually shoes skateboarders use. I won't be able to get everything I want done this month but I am glad I'm still here on patreon with you 😊 Hope your day is just as wonderful especially health wise? ✨️


That is great to hear! I'm guessing you live pretty close to New Orleans, and I am a little jealous, because it's somewhere I have wanted to go! Yep, I know one of the pics I was going to use had my character wearing Vans, but I can't remember if that's the pic I used in the marketing. I'm really glad you're here! I always have lofty goals for the month, and I don't get everything done that I wish to haha. My day is going alright! I am doing better health-wise, but still not 100%, but a lot closer, thanks!


Aye that's lovely to hear you are doing better Sing. At least better than Monday. It's been fun making sure you are ok. Yeah I live like 4 hours from New Orleans so it's not that bad. You definitely need wear vans for those streets and don't go by yourself cuz it gets crazy out there sometimes. I saw the promotional art for this audio and I think you made a great choice. That graffiti art one with the girl was dope. Job well done! Thanks for understanding me too


Oh yeah, definitely doing better than I was then. It's nice to have my voice back and not be so congested. I had recorded benefit audios on Tuesday, and it took forever to edit them, because I was sniffling like crazy haha. I didn't know it was dangerous there. Aw thank you!! I had a lot of fun making it, and that's awesome to hear!


She truly went all out for him. Stalking him until she knew everything about him and just had to have him. That is one very well developed character. She came alive in my head and I felt like I was in the bed. Great work!! Excellent use of SFX!!


Aw thank you so much, Shad!! She definitely went the distance and tried to learn everything there was to know about him. And I mean *everything* haha. I'm glad she was so well-developed and it felt real!! Aw thanks!!