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This wonderful idea was submitted by a patron, and it won the popular vote!

It's our anniversary. I just dropped the kids off at my mom's house, and when I get home, you're waiting for me in the bedroom naked. We get so little time alone, and you want to take full advantage of it, so you have something fun planned.

When you are done listening, listen to the commentary!



That was a lot of fun to listen to! Great job with the extreme teasing!! Yes, it was a lot softer than your typical audios but it was a great change of pace! As to your question / comment within the commentary, it is actually pretty typical for all the experimentation to happen early in the relationship as both people find what really works for them. As the relationship progresses to marriage, then there are responsibilities and life stressors like kids, careers, mortgage, grandparents, etc. that start to eat into your time. With much more limited time, it is common for things to get rather simple / vanilla for a while. As the kids get older and as both people get better at managing their time and decide to re-prioritize their sex life the experimentation returns as they both know more and there is an even higher degree of trust in the relationship. As such it can create a cyclical effect in the relationship. That is the spice of life!!