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I posted the audio on GWA yesterday, and here is the commentary. I can't link to it, because of Patreon's rules about r*pe content. 



That was such an amazing experience. There are details you pointed out here that I remember hearing but I was so immersed into what was going on that my mind was able to picture it so clearly and vividly that I never consciously picked up on the details. For example, I was picturing all 5 balls being juggled, two on her nose and then each one hitting the ground that until you mentioned it in the audio I didn't recall the detail yet I had that image firmly in my mind. Thank you for such an awesome performance!! A true Masterpiece!!


Aw thank you so much, Shad!! See that's the thing about sound effects, I want people to become completely immersed that they don't consciously pick up on things, and it seems completely normal and natural and doesn't stick out like a sore thumb, but at the same time, I'm like, "I put so much work into the sound effects, and I want them to get noticed and appreciated!" Haha. There's no wrong way to enjoy them. I'm so glad you were vividly picturing everything!! Awww a masterpiece, thank you!!!