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Hi all! I think most of you saw that I haven't posted on GWA in a little while (it's just been a little over a week), but I don't want you to worry about my Patreon. I recorded everything for this month in September. I have one finished audio for next month, a second completed script, and I am at least halfway through another script, so I am well-prepared. 

The only thing that will not be happening this month is that I had planned on doing a CYOA type thing where you choose Fdom or Fsub. That was a bonus anyway, and I don't think I will get to it this month. 

When I went on break on Thursday or Friday, I was not OK at all, and I couldn't imagine recording or writing. I am doing so much better now! Things are good. 

I hope you all are well!



It really is so good to see that you're doing better Sing. I really wish life didn't go down the shitter for you in the first place though, you deserve better.