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Tomorrow, October 1, I will be adding a new tier! 

Next month, I want to have a CYOA of sorts. You will get to decide if you want to go the Fdom or Fsub route! Or you could listen to both! You come home late, and find a stranger in your bed. Turns out it's your roommate's sister. She's masturbating, and oh no, she got the sheets all messed up, and there's no time to do laundry before bed. Should she make it up to you, or do you want to punish her?

I also would like to add more audios each month. I will see if I can do it.

New tier: $50/m: A short NSFW improv a bit personalized for you. Plus the benefits from the tiers below it.

I think I will be removing the tier where you can request a narrative.

I am still working on finding out if I can do early access to GWA content or not. The uncertainty comes from the fact that I most likely didn't write the scripts, so I don't know if I can put the performances behind a paywall, even if I will be posting them on GWA.


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