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Talk to me! How are some of my favorite people?



I'm fine. I have to apologize, but I have been listening to other voice actors.


Hmmm, I’ve been making my life a bit miserable lately but I’ll muddle through. Apart from that not bad, I’ve been keeping myself distracted with some lovely audios and walks down to the beach when it’s like 5 degrees and pissing it down 🤣 I hope life’s been treating you well Sing.


YES, YOU DO! Why would you even need to do that? I have over 150 audios. I have enough to listen to several everyday and not have to hear a repeat for a long time!


Wait, YOU have been making your own life miserable? Aww, what's going on? That's a good distraction for sure! Oh man, I am jealous you can walk to the beach! But that's freakin' cold. I should check what that is in F. Life has been... well, there is a reason I am drinking tonight haha. I am done with 2020!


I have trust issues so when I start getting to know people my brain creates reasons why I shouldn't and it stresses me out to fuck trying not to push them away. This problem has been rearing it's ugly head a lot as of late, it's been a struggle. Hmm, it's 41°F, not really beach walking weather but the pupper loves it. Just next time I need to bring a jacket with me. 😂 I'm sorry to hear that Sing, I hope things get better soon. At least before the end of 2020.


Aww I totally get that. I have trust issues as well. Plus I feel like I just will make people's lives worse once they know me. I am good at pushing people away. Haha it's for their own good! I hope you do get to know that person well and your brain doesn't get in the way with it anymore. Yes, that is not good beach weather at all. It's that temp here at night and in the early morning. Aww, thank you!


Strange. I didn't realize you had my clone typing responses for you already. For what it's worth I think your a lovely person Sing. I always enjoy talking with you, even that one time you were mean to me. I was almost crying because my poor little heart couldn't handle it. 😂


Aww thank you, and I think you are a lovely person too! You are always so sweet, and I don't think I could ever imagine you being angry or yelling or anything. Haha was that the post where I asked who wanted me to be rude to them?


Hmm, well lets say my angry scotsman impression is really good. 😂 And yeah, that's the post. I was always tempted to make another comment in it but I didn't want to bother you.


You wouldn't bother me! Haha I so can not imagine you being angry though! I want to hear an impression of you being angry though. OK... I should not ask this... I have no filter, so when you have spoken to Americans, did they perfectly understand what you were saying? There are Scottish accents that can be difficult to decipher.


Okay, so my accent is very similar to a glaswegian (basically stereotypical scottish accent) which I imagine most people probably wouldn't understand. But I talk to a lot of mainland european people so I have my "talking to fellow countrymen or people I've talked to a lot" and my "I'm talking to someone brand new that's not from the UK voice" so for the most part I'm understandable. But I do get angry like most people. Granted I tend not to do the whole shouting thingy because I honestly just don't like shouting. I find it very upsetting. So I just become a passive/not so passive aggressive piece of shit when I get angry.


I love how you even know that lots of people might not understand your accent, and that you have another way that you talk to people who are not from the UK. So I probably would understand you then! I hear a lot of Scottish accents on TV, and I understand the vast majority, except when there is a joke being made about Americans not being able to understand the accent. Ah yes, I can be a passive aggressive little shit too!


Mhmm, well people make it pretty obvious when my accent got out of control. At one point other Scottish people couldn't manage to understand me so I had to figure something out and I know a few other people that have had to do the same. To be honest I feel like the biggest problem isn't the accent per say but the slang that makes it hard to understand us. We speak literal gibberish that takes english as a core, changes 90% of the rules and either makes up words or change/skip some letters out of established ones. I feel like you'd be kinda adorable when you get mad tbh. I mean sometimes I'd probably think she's gonna kill me but other times I feel like you'd be adorable.


That is interesting! I have been like "HUH?" when watching the show Skins, because of all the slang. Were you younger when they couldn't understand you? Like a teen using all the slang? And yessss.... people laugh when I get mad, because it's probably adorable.


Yeah we were all teens at the time but I moved from one part of the country to another where they speak actual English and everything. I was shocked to say the least.

Benson E Wolf

I'm addicted to writing scripts send help.


Haha you are! You are a script-writing machine, and I am jealous. I want your skills.


I love your scripts! I would need a lot more time to do them all, but no one says they all need to be done right now, so it could be done!


I hope you didn't get into an accident, and if you did, I hope you're OK! I'm glad that things are improving for you. I need healthier and more productive habits. I was being super productive the last two months, and this month has been crazy with the start of the school year, so my productivity needs an overhaul.


Oh man, that sucks. I am glad it wasn't a crash though. Yes, I like how you described it about binging good behavior. I got completely derailed, so I need to get back into the groove! I am hoping that I will get better this week and next. I shall try! I am glad you have been getting better at starting back up!

crazy joe

Getting by I guess.

crazy joe

Yea depression is kicking my ass lately. But I'm trying to keep my head above water. Hopefully you are doing well. :)


Aww I hear ya. I have been trying to do the same, and Patreon and GWA have been a help with that. I hope you have some really good days soon.