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As I have mentioned before, one perk of being a patron is that you can suggest scripts that you would like for me to perform, and you all get priority. It doesn't mean I definitely will perform it, but there is a much higher chance that I will soon! So if you saw a script posted that interested you, post it in the comments!


Benson E Wolf

So I'm going to drop 4 scripts, two new, two old Two of my newer scripts https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/intxif/f4m_script_offer_halloween_whore_halloween_drugs/ And in case you don't want to have drug use... https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/ija9ea/f4m_script_offer_pushing_boundaries_kitten_daddy/ Two older scripts https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/hixsv0/f4mscript_offergetting_over_me_because_im_under/ If I didn't tag Yandere I should have This is the first part of my oldest series https://www.reddit.com/r/GWAScriptGuild/comments/i6fggo/f4fscript_offerbad_decision_friday_part_1_bestie/? - This is planning to go darker and darker but I've paused it at part 5 for now.

Benson E Wolf

That was pretty much 2 scripts. A non VA friend asked me to write her a script and I did a detailed thing since she wasn't use to script reading, so saying she would shower after the handjob was actually the original ending... I expanded from there.


That was really nice that you wrote her one. I love the expanded part, and I'm glad you added it!