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I have done well over 150 audios now, and the one that turned me on the most would have to be Please Don't Get Me Pregnant by /u/ravishagirl. Listen to find out why! 

If you haven't heard the audio, enjoy: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/er0kl1/f4m_please_dont_get_me_pregnant_rape_kidnapping/

Also, the next NSFW audio will be posted tomorrow! And it's the one where you get kidnapped by me! 



Mhmm, being on the receiving of body betrayal is really fun, especially when you're in charge, so it's not surprising to see it's what turned you on the most. The audio is a bit too extreme for me but I'm sure it's great considering you made it.

crazy joe

That's honestly one of my favorites. I love ravishagirl's scripts!


Aw thanks! Yeah, this one probably is too intense for you, BUT I do enjoy it, so it's not like really bad rape haha. Yes, body betrayal is the best!