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It's time to submit ideas for the theme and premise of one of next month's SFW audios. You can submit as many ideas as you would like! 

You can submit ideas until September 7th, then on the 8th, there will be a poll, which will be open until September 14th!

You can request sequels to my Patreon audios.


Benson E Wolf

Best friends give into social pressure to go and have a date since everyone ships them. They date. It is horrible but funny. They are happy with their failure and go back to being normal knowing society was wrong.


How about an audio where you help a tsundere realize that having emotions is fine while finding out she likes headpats.


Aww that's a cute idea. Melt that heart icy tsundere... and become a yandere. I can't help it, I love those two archetypes so much.


Audio Idea: the listener is kidnapped by a friendly alien girl from another planet. She has kidnapped the listener in order to learn about Earth. The listener is cautious at first, but slowly trust the alien. At the end they become friends and explore the cosmos together.


Audio Idea: F4M strangers to friends. The listener is an introvert and Singmypraise is a popular basketball prodigy, but her grades aren't at the required level, (in this situation, her grades are around B+ to A-, but the school strives for perfection from all it's students). The listener finds her practicing by herself to calm her mind. When Singmy praise notices the listener she challenges him to a "friendly" game. She wins easily, so they start another one with her promising to hold back. While they are playing the conversation veers towards grades and the listener offers to help. After a couple more games, they wash up in the showers and go to library. It can end with the listener helping her figure out topics she was struggling to understand and then exchanging phone numbers.


Am I allowed to keep suggesting, Singmypraise?


Audio Idea: The listener and Singmypraise have been best friends for years. They have just finished a really competitive video game and Singmypraise is salty because she lost. During the night, there is a scary thunderstorm that scares both of them. They decide to put the game behind them and be "thunder buddies". A way they could pass time while trying to distract themselves from the thunder would be to recall funny/awkward moments they have both experienced.


Audio Idea: The listener is the sole surviving soldier of a failed attack on the vampire kingdom. This attack was a combination of hundreds of nations and the vampire army shredded them.. The happy-go lucky, vampire princess, (Singmypraise) decides to keep the listener as a friend/pet. The listener is given a room in the palace and there are vampire servants and maids at their beck and call. The only catch is that they can't leave. While talking with the princess, the listener accidentally gets a cut and the smell of the blood urges the princess to feed. [ The princess had never feed on a live person before]. She unfortunately can't control herself and ends up turning the listener. [I have no idea how this audio would end].


Audio Idea: Singmypraise is the listener's girlfriend and has lost her sight a couple of months ago. There was a dangerous situation and Singmypraise managed to save a lot of people but lost her vision in the process. This really sucked for her because she loved to look at the stars at night. After this incident, the listener becomes distant from Singmypraise. It almost appears as if the listener is ignoring her. On the night of a comet passing, Singmypraise confronts the listener. Fortunately, the listener reveals they have figured out how to give Singmypraise her sight back. The listener apologizes for ignoring her for so long. The listener had been working on this project since she lost her vision. The reason the listener didn't tell her the plan originally was just in case the listener couldn't succeed. The listener restores Singmypraise's sight and the couple cuddle while watching the comet.