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I need to be honest here, i already finished the animations for Vivian and the new machine and i had a bit more time to spare in my week so i already started to construct the crew quarter level.

Currently all the raw rooms are there and now i start to place all the big and small props. When i am done with this i will start to create story for this level and i also wanted to create the tower defense minigame. I just need something where i can connect the minigame with the story in any way .. mh...

Futhermore i hope the crew quarters aren't that bad perfomance wise since this is the biggest level i created so far and i guess i placed many props.. i hope not too many.



Kravenar Games

That render is awesome! *_*




Can't wait. :)


For the record, this is probably the first time in the history of Patreon a game developer started a status post with "I need to be honest here" and then went on to indicate they were *ahead* of schedule. Your productivity is amazing!

Hank Rillek

That is a sweet looking room!


Great stuff. I am also a hobbyist game developer. I would be happy to help you on this project! I am working on fixing the spelling, and grammatical errors. Where can I send the file?


Hey Kerni! Will we see milking machine in action again?:)


As i have written a few weekens before , i already created a generic event for the milking machine :) I will include this in the next beta.


Well , you can upload it to any filehoster or a good idea was to rename it to any kind image file . bmp . png and just attach it as image to the community post section xD but at best you see lvoerslab first because there are some guys who already started to create spellchecking files. -&gt; <a href="http://www.loverslab.com/topic/58930-unity-3d-3d-adventureabandoned-a-tale-of-forgotten-lives-v-035/page-33" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.loverslab.com/topic/58930-unity-3d-3d-adventureabandoned-a-tale-of-forgotten-lives-v-035/page-33</a> Guess i have to create somekind of merge option to my spellchecking programm :)